Step Up Your Running and Walking Workouts

Staying motivated in your fitness routine, whether it involves running or walking, is essential for long-term success. While these activities offer numerous health benefits, they can become monotonous over time, leading to a decline in enthusiasm. To keep the pep in your steps, Dr. Aaron Baggish, the director of the Cardiovascular Performance Program at Harvard-affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital, offers various strategies that can inject excitement and variety into your running or walking routine. Let’s explore each of these strategies in detail.

1. Change Locations

One effective way to revitalize your running or walking routine is by changing locations. Covering the same ground repeatedly can lead to a workout rut. Exploring different routes not only provides a change of scenery but also introduces new challenges, such as varied terrains and elevations. Dr. Baggish recommends committing to trying a new route at least once a week or month. Numerous websites and apps can help you discover popular routes tailored to your preferences and fitness level.

2. Tweak Your Regular Route

Even minor adjustments to your usual routine can make a significant difference. Altering the time of day or reversing your usual direction can provide a refreshing twist to your workout. Small changes can help break the monotony and keep your routine engaging.

3. Enlist a Workout Buddy

Exercising with a friend can be a powerful motivator. Knowing that someone is counting on you to show up increases accountability, making it less likely for you to skip your workout. Dr. Baggish emphasizes that the commitment to a workout is ten times stronger when shared with a workout partner.

4. Join a Running or Walking Club

Running or walking clubs offer a sense of community and structured group activities. Beyond accountability, these clubs provide opportunities for organized group runs or walks, allowing you to exercise with others who share your fitness level. Check with local specialty running stores or community centers to find running or walking clubs in your area.

5. Set Regular Goals

Setting small, achievable goals is a proven method for maintaining motivation. Dr. Baggish recommends focusing on incremental targets, such as covering a certain number of miles per week or month. Writing down your goals and tracking your progress can enhance the sense of accomplishment. Participating in events like 5K races can serve as motivating milestones.

6. Race Against Yourself

Challenge yourself by timing specific distances and trying to beat your own records. Whether it’s completing a mile around your neighborhood or a local track, racing against yourself provides a measurable and rewarding way to track your progress. Once you achieve a goal, reset the challenge to maintain motivation.

7. Create a Cue

Establishing a routine can make it easier to stick to your running or walking schedule. Schedule your workout around a regularly occurring activity, such as waking up in the morning or before lunch or dinner. Associating your exercise with a specific cue helps create a habit.

8. Listen to an Audiobook

Audiobooks can be a great source of entertainment during your workout. Dr. Baggish suggests making it a rule to listen to an audiobook only during your running or walking sessions. Keep the volume low and use only one earbud to remain alert to your surroundings for safety.

9. Combine Running and Walking

Integrating a run/walk routine into your workout can break up the intensity and add variety. For runners, this approach provides a brief recovery period during walks, enabling them to run farther with less struggle. For walkers, it’s an excellent way to increase cardio output.

To implement this strategy, run for one to two minutes, followed by a walking period of four to five minutes for recovery. Repeat this pattern five times or adjust the times to suit your fitness level. This method can make your workout more engaging and adaptable.

10. Take Exercise “Breaks”

Incorporate short body-weight exercises into your running or walking routine to add variety and challenge. During your workout, take breaks to perform exercises like squats, walking lunges, or push-ups. This can contribute to overall strength and endurance.

11. Treat Yourself

Investing in new workout gear, accessories, or equipment can boost your confidence and make your exercise routine more enjoyable. Consider purchasing new running shoes, stylish workout shirts, or accessories like a hydration pack. Treating yourself to quality gear can make your workout sessions feel like a special occasion.

12. Walkers’ Accessories

For walkers looking to enhance their experience, walking poles can be a valuable accessory. These poles, available in various styles for different terrains, provide stability and engage the upper body. They are readily available online, and instructional videos can guide you on how to use them effectively.

Incorporating these strategies into your running or walking routine can add variety, excitement, and sustainability. By keeping your workouts engaging, you’ll be more likely to stay motivated and committed to your fitness goals. Experiment with different strategies to find what works best for you, and enjoy the journey to a healthier, more active lifestyle.