Home Remedies to Relieve Heartburn

Mild cases of heartburn can be treated at home. Here are a few remedies to consider.

Heartburn presents as a distressing and fiery sensation that often emerges just beneath or behind the sternum.

In excess of 60 million individuals in the United States undergo episodes of heartburn on a monthly basis. This uncomfortable phenomenon is predominantly attributed to the backflow of stomach acid, commonly referred to as acid reflux, or the persistent ailment recognized as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

Natural remedies abound that can offer solace from heartburn symptoms or even serve as preventive measures. It is prudent to delve into these alternative approaches, while also being informed about the appropriate instances to seek professional medical guidance.

At-Home Heartburn Remedies to Try

Managing mild instances of heartburn can be effectively addressed within the confines of your home. Several remedies offer potential respite from the discomfort during its onset and might even act as preventive measures. Consider implementing the following tactics to alleviate and preemptively manage this symptom:

Elevate the Bed

The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) suggests a prudent practice of waiting for a span of two to three hours post-meal before assuming a reclined position.

Furthermore, elevating the upper body during sleep can contribute to the prevention of heartburn. A recommended approach involves elevating the head approximately 6 inches higher than the level of the stomach, which serves to hinder the upward movement of food through the esophagus.

This elevation can be accomplished by incorporating a wedge pillow beneath the mattress or by utilizing blocks or bricks beneath the bed’s head. It’s worth noting that relying on extra pillows might prove less effective, as they tend to be less stable throughout the night.

Chew Gum

Utilizing chewing gum presents a convenient method for alleviating mild instances of heartburn.

Engaging in gum chewing stimulates the production of saliva, which harbors enzymatic properties that confer a slightly alkaline nature. Upon swallowing, this saliva can effectively counteract heartburn, as elucidated by insights from the Gastrointestinal (GI) Society/Canadian Society of Intestinal Research. Substantiating this, a previous study featured in the Journal of Dental Research underscores that chewing sugar-free gum for 30 minutes post-meal can mitigate reflux, a prevalent trigger of heartburn.

Nevertheless, it’s prudent to exercise caution with gum consumption. Overindulgence in artificially sweetened gum could potentially lead to diarrhea for certain individuals, as noted by the GI Society. Furthermore, excessive air intake during gum chewing might induce feelings of gas and bloating. To circumvent such issues, it’s advisable to embrace moderation in gum-chewing habits. Additionally, it’s wise to avoid spearmint and peppermint-flavored gum, as these varieties can relax the lower esophageal sphincter—a muscular ring that connects the esophagus and stomach—potentially enabling the regurgitation of stomach contents.

Take an Antacid

In certain scenarios, a healthcare professional might suggest the use of antacids for addressing mild heartburn. However, it’s important to note that their regular usage or their application during instances of intense symptoms is not advisable unless directed by a medical practitioner.

Antacids are accessible without a prescription and can be procured over the counter. It’s crucial to be aware that they may give rise to potential side effects such as constipation or diarrhea.

Avoid Trigger Foods

Individuals grappling with heartburn often recognize specific dietary triggers that can exacerbate their symptoms.

According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), certain foods have the potential to incite or intensify heartburn. Healthcare providers may propose curtailing the consumption of these foods or completely abstaining from them in certain instances.

Noteworthy foods that have been identified as potential triggers encompass:

1. Spicy foods

2. Foods rich in fats

3. Mint

4. Coffee

5. Chocolate

6. Alcohol

7. Citrus fruits

8. Tomatoes

Remaining attentive to these dietary factors can contribute to better managing heartburn episodes.

Drink Milk

The consumption of a glass of cold milk is often suggested as a potential remedy for alleviating heartburn symptoms, although opinions on its efficacy differ.

Interestingly, milk and dairy products do not feature on the list of “trigger foods” recommended by the American College of Gastroenterology for individuals managing heartburn. However, the Gastrointestinal (GI) Society offers a nuanced perspective, acknowledging that while the alkaline nature of milk can provide a soothing effect, it also bears the potential to exacerbate the condition. The fat and protein content within milk may contribute to an escalation of heartburn symptoms during the digestion process.

For those seeking alternatives, calcium-based over-the-counter solutions like Tums offer similar benefits, potentially serving as effective options for addressing heartburn discomfort.

Consider Taking Baking Soda

Baking soda presents a readily available home remedy for heartburn; however, its usage should be approached with caution.

Baking soda, scientifically known as sodium bicarbonate, possesses alkaline properties that can aid in neutralizing acidity. While some studies propose its occasional safety, it’s important to exercise moderation due to potential risks. Excessive utilization of baking soda can lead to a condition known as alkalosis, characterized by symptoms such as vomiting, nausea, muscle spasms, and confusion. It’s worth noting that baking soda is also rich in sodium content, which has the potential to disrupt the absorption of certain medications. Therefore, it’s advisable to employ baking soda judiciously and under informed guidance.

Reduce Belly Fat

Carrying an excess accumulation of abdominal fat emerges as a significant precursor to the onset of heartburn.

Addressing weight concerns proves beneficial, particularly if one is categorized as overweight or obese. Obesity contributes to heightened stomach pressure, a mechanism that facilitates the forceful displacement of stomach contents into the esophagus—thereby triggering heartburn.

It’s vital to recognize GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) as a more severe manifestation of acid reflux, often underpinning heartburn. Remarkably, certain overweight individuals may witness the alleviation of GERD symptoms upon shedding 10 to 15 pounds, illustrating the profound impact of weight loss on this condition.

Quit Smoking and Stop Using Tobacco

Ceasing smoking, if you are a smoker, presents as a potent strategy to mitigate the symptoms of heartburn.

Additionally, it’s advisable to discontinue the use of all tobacco-related products. The chemicals inherent in cigarettes and other tobacco items possess the capability to undermine the integrity of the muscles positioned in the lower region of the esophagus—referred to as the lower esophageal sphincter. Once compromised, this muscular barrier can permit the passage of stomach contents or acid into the esophagus, thereby fostering the occurrence of heartburn.

Try Gingerroot

Ginger emerges as a versatile remedy for an array of gastrointestinal issues, encompassing nausea and stomach discomfort. Furthermore, its potential extends to mitigating acid reflux, a trigger for heartburn. However, prudent usage is advised.

Certain studies hint at ginger’s capacity to potentially curb stomach acid production, although this domain requires further exploration for conclusive insights.

Change Your Clothing

Attire with a snug fit around the waist has the propensity to exert pressure on the stomach, potentially instigating the regurgitation of food upwards through the esophagus—culminating in acid reflux and subsequent heartburn.

To alleviate such issues, it is advisable to opt for clothing that offers a looser fit and to steer clear of waist-constricting belts. This adjustment in clothing choice can contribute to the mitigation of heartburn symptoms.

When to See a Healthcare Provider

Addressing heartburn in a timely manner is imperative, as unchecked reflux has the potential to inflict harm upon the lining of the esophagus.

Immediate medical attention is essential if you experience heartburn and encounter the following circumstances:

  1. Sensations akin to crushing, burning, squeezing, or pressure in the chest, which could signal a potential heart attack.
  2. Presence of black or maroon stools.
  3. Instances of vomiting blood or substances resembling coffee grounds.

Moreover, it’s advised to promptly consult a healthcare professional if you face the following situations in relation to heartburn:

  1. Frequent occurrence of heartburn.
  2. Heartburn persists despite self-care measures for an extended period.
  3. Symptomatic worsening despite usage of antacids.
  4. Suspected link between heartburn and medication usage.
  5. Unintentional weight loss.
  6. Experiencing difficulties while swallowing.
  7. Displaying wheezing symptoms.
  8. Presence of an incessant, unremitting cough.


Heartburn, though discomforting, can be mitigated through various home remedies. Elevating the head during sleep, employing antacids, engaging in gum-chewing, steering clear of trigger foods, shedding abdominal fat, and embracing other prudent measures are among the strategies that can aid in relieving or averting symptoms. However, should you encounter worrisome indicators like vomiting blood or the presence of black stools, seeking prompt medical attention is strongly advised.