6 Ways That Owning a Dog Can Majorly Boost Your Longevity


In the past year, the lives of my octogenarian parents have undergone a remarkable metamorphosis, thanks to the addition of Maisy, a delightful puppy, to our family. At the tender age of 80, my parents have discovered newfound physical and mental vitality, engaging in activities such as daily walks spanning several miles, fostering new social connections, and even effortlessly performing squats. The extraordinary transformation they’ve experienced isn’t attributed to a magical elixir or a revolutionary medication; rather, it’s the incredible influence of Maisy, a loyal canine companion who joined our household just over a year ago.

Exploring the Longevity Benefits of Canine Companionship

While the concept of a positive correlation between dog ownership and well-being isn’t novel, recent evidence sheds light on the diverse ways our four-legged friends can be invaluable allies in helping individuals age gracefully and maintain robust health as they navigate the later stages of life. In this exploration, we delve into six of the most powerful longevity benefits associated with the companionship of dogs.

1. A Healthier Heart:

Numerous studies have meticulously examined the impact of dog ownership on cardiovascular health. The American Heart Association (AHA), recognizing the cumulative findings of these studies, issued a scientific statement in 2013 linking dog ownership to a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. A recent meta-analysis published in the scientific journal Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes underscores this association, revealing that owning a dog is correlated with a remarkable 17 percent lower risk of death, particularly deaths caused by cardiovascular disease, which were found to be 20 percent less likely.

2. Increased Physical Activity:

The link between dog ownership and enhanced physical activity is a well-established fact. Dr. Glenn Levine, a cardiologist and lead author of the AHA scientific statement, notes that dog owners are more likely to engage in regular walks, contributing to increased physical activity. This heightened activity level, translating to an average of 2,700 more steps daily compared to non-dog owners, aligns with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s recommendation of 150 minutes of weekly moderate physical activity. Beyond walks, the routine activities of dog care, including bending down to pick up toys and handling daily walks, inadvertently contribute to improved squatting mobility and strength, fostering functional stability in the lower body and core.

3. Stress Reduction through Interaction:

The simple act of interacting with a dog has been found to activate the parasympathetic nervous system, leading to a decrease in stress levels and an increase in feelings of relaxation. Dr. Levine explains that owning a dog can contribute to reduced loneliness, lower anxiety levels, and even act as a form of “treatment” for acute stress. This stress reduction not only enhances mental well-being but also aligns with the positive psychological health associated with better cardiovascular outcomes.

4. Motivators for Self-Care and Healthy Routines:

Daily routines involved in caring for a dog, including feeding, walking, and grooming, provide structure and a sense of purpose, particularly crucial for mental well-being in the aging population. Dr. Levine emphasizes that the sense of responsibility towards pets can inspire individuals to adopt healthier habits, such as smoking less, adhering to medication regimens, and attending medical appointments and health screenings.

5. Better Cognitive Health:

A recent study tracking the well-being of pet owners over several years found a compelling link between dog ownership and enhanced cognitive function. While cognitive abilities typically decline with age, dog owners exhibited increased performance on cognitive tests measuring language and everyday task-related skills. Interestingly, the study revealed that the cognitive benefits extend beyond the additional exercise gained from dog walks, suggesting that the advantages of dog ownership encompass a broader spectrum.

6. Enhanced Social Life:

The social benefits of dog ownership are evident in the improved connections with others and the reduction of isolation. Dog walking, a common activity for owners, serves as a catalyst for interactions, sparking conversations with fellow dog enthusiasts. A British study conducted over ten days demonstrated a participant having three times more interactions on days accompanied by a dog, compared to days spent alone. Furthermore, the presence of a dog significantly increased the likelihood of striking up conversations with strangers, resulting in 65 interactions over five days, as opposed to a mere three without the canine companion.

Holistic Approaches for Longevity

While experts caution against adopting dogs solely for health benefits, Dr. Erika Friedmann, the lead author of the cognitive health study, emphasizes the importance of enabling older individuals to keep their dogs for as long as possible. This can be achieved through the design of age-friendly communities that accommodate dogs, providing support such as dog walkers, and ensuring the safety and well-being of dogs when their owners face hospitalization. Such a holistic approach could play a pivotal role in maintaining the health and happiness of dog owners well into their golden years.


In conclusion, the transformative power of Maisy, the newest member of our family, extends far beyond the boundaries of our home, echoing the broader narrative of the profound connection between humans and their canine companions. As we celebrate Maisy’s unwitting role in orchestrating positive health outcomes for my aging parents, it becomes evident that the influence of canine companionship is not confined to the walls of our residence but ripples into the larger tapestry of their lives.

Beyond the immediate health benefits, Maisy has become a symbol of resilience, joy, and the enduring spirit of companionship. In the sunset years of my parents’ lives, Maisy stands as a steadfast companion, a source of motivation for daily walks, a loyal confidant reducing stress, and a catalyst for social interactions that enrich their lives. The symphony of well-being composed by Maisy’s paws resonates not only in the daily routines of our household but also in the shared stories with fellow dog owners and the extended community that recognizes the significance of such bonds.

As we navigate the intricate interplay between human and canine existence, Maisy’s story is emblematic of the timeless connection that transcends age, infusing vitality into the golden years. In embracing the journey of aging with Maisy by their side, my parents are not merely dog owners; they are active participants in a shared narrative of companionship, resilience, and the enduring pursuit of a life well-lived, enriched by the unwavering loyalty and love of a furry friend.