5 Beginner Gym Workouts: How to Work Out in a Gym The Right Way!


Embarking on the journey of strength training in a gym can be both exciting and intimidating, especially for beginners. This comprehensive guide aims to provide not only a roadmap for workouts but also valuable insights into overcoming the initial anxieties associated with entering a gym environment.

Scared to Work Out in a Gym?

Regardless of your physique, entering a commercial gym for the first time can be a daunting experience. The fear of judgment, the unfamiliarity of gym equipment, and the presence of seasoned gym-goers can make the prospect seem overwhelming. However, it’s crucial to dispel these fears and recognize that everyone, regardless of their fitness level, starts somewhere. The key is to acknowledge that self-consciousness is a shared experience, and most people are too engrossed in their routines to pay much attention to others. The guide emphasizes that going to the gym is a journey toward getting in shape, not a prerequisite. It encourages readers to embrace a positive mindset, emphasizing that most individuals at the gym are supportive and applaud the efforts of those taking steps to improve their health.

How Often Should I Go to the Gym?

The frequency of gym visits is a common concern for beginners. Contrary to the belief that rigorous daily workouts are necessary, the guide recommends a balanced approach. Full-body workouts, as outlined in “Strength 101: Beginner Strength Workouts,” target various muscle groups, necessitating adequate recovery time. The guide suggests hitting the gym 2-3 times per week, allowing at least a day off between sessions. It emphasizes that the quality of workouts is more important than quantity. The advice caters to individuals with varying schedules, acknowledging that some might only manage once a week due to busy lifestyles. This flexible approach encourages consistency and aligns with the understanding that establishing a routine is a gradual process.

Quality Over Quantity: Emphasize the Quality of Workouts

In the pursuit of fitness goals, it’s crucial to prioritize the quality of your workouts over sheer quantity. Focus on proper form, controlled movements, and a mind-muscle connection. This not only enhances the effectiveness of your exercises but also reduces the risk of injuries.

Flexibility: Adapt the Routine to Varying Schedules

Life is dynamic, and schedules can change. A flexible workout routine ensures that you can adapt to varying schedules without compromising your fitness journey. Whether it’s adjusting the workout days or modifying the intensity, flexibility promotes consistency.

Level 1 Gym Workout: Your First Day at the Gym

The first day at the gym is a significant milestone, and acknowledging the challenges is the first step towards conquering them. Let’s delve into the detailed steps for making your debut at the gym a positive and empowering experience.

Steps for the First Day:

  • Walk Through the Doors: Simply entering the gym is a commendable achievement. Take a moment to appreciate this step, as it marks the beginning of your fitness journey.
  • Ask for a Tour: Familiarize yourself with the gym layout and equipment. Understanding the gym’s layout alleviates anxiety and helps you feel more at ease during your workouts.
  • Stretching Area: Find a designated area for stretching. Engaging in pre-workout stretches not only prepares your muscles for exercise but also eases you into the workout environment gradually.
  • Observation: Observe other gym-goers to understand common practices. This not only provides insights into proper gym etiquette but also helps you feel more connected to the gym community.
  • Level 1 Mission: Your mission on the first day is to take a lap around the gym and perform basic stretches. Remember, any action on the first day, no matter how small, is a step in the right direction.

Level 2 Gym Workout: Cardio Cadet

Level 2 introduces the Cardio Cadet stage, focusing on cardiovascular exercises with the treadmill as a beginner-friendly option.

Steps for Cardio Cadet Stage:

  • Treadmill Familiarity: Get comfortable with the treadmill settings. Understanding the various functions ensures a smooth and enjoyable cardio experience.
  • 15-Minute Walk: Incorporate a 15-minute walk into your routine. This moderate-intensity cardio exercise is excellent for building stamina and getting your heart rate up.
  • Gradual Acclimatization: Build confidence and develop the habit of regular gym visits. Consistency is key in this stage, as you establish a routine that includes cardiovascular exercises.

Level 3 Gym Workout: Bodyweight Brigade

Level 3 introduces the Bodyweight Brigade, transitioning from cardio to bodyweight exercises. This level focuses on building strength using your body’s own resistance.

Steps for Bodyweight Brigade:

  • Weightlifting Machine Exploration: Begin exploring weightlifting machines. Familiarize yourself with their functions and choose machines that target different muscle groups.
  • Bodyweight Foundation: Emphasize bodyweight exercises as a foundation. Mastering fundamental bodyweight movements lays the groundwork for more advanced exercises.
  • Circuit Workout: Introduce a circuit workout comprising squats and push-ups. Circuit training enhances cardiovascular fitness while building strength.
  • Control and Agility: Emphasize mastering bodyweight exercises for overall strength and resilience. Focus on controlled movements to maximize the effectiveness of each exercise.
  • Level 3 Mission: Your mission at this level is to complete a circuit workout of bodyweight squats and push-ups. This milestone signifies progress in building strength and stamina.

Level 4 Gym Workout: Dumbbell Division

Level 4 delves into weight training with the Dumbbell Division, overcoming the fear associated with free weights.

Steps for Dumbbell Division:

  • Free Weight Exploration: Familiarize yourself with dumbbells. Understand the different weights and experiment with various exercises to target different muscle groups.
  • Dumbbell Exercises: Start with rows and squats using dumbbells. These compound movements engage multiple muscle groups, promoting overall strength.
  • Gradual Incorporation: Integrate weights gradually into your routine. As you become more comfortable, challenge yourself by increasing the weight incrementally.
  • Level 4 Mission: Perform a set of dumbbell rows and squats with proper form. This mission marks a significant step in your strength training journey.

Level 5 Gym Workout: Barbell Battalion

The pinnacle of the guide is the Barbell Battalion, where individuals are introduced to barbell training, unlocking a new dimension of strength and muscle development.

Steps for Barbell Battalion:

  • Understanding Barbell Exercises: Recognize the transformative power of barbell exercises. Barbell training allows for progressive overload, a key principle in muscle growth.
  • Introduction to Squats and Deadlifts: Emphasize the importance of squats and deadlifts. These compound movements target major muscle groups and are essential for building a strong and functional physique.
  • Gradual Progression: Start with an empty bar for barbell squats. Focus on mastering the form before adding weight. Gradual progression is key to preventing injuries.
  • Circuit Integration: Combine barbell squats, push-ups, and inverted bodyweight rows. This circuit challenges both strength and cardiovascular fitness, providing a holistic workout experience.
  • Level 5 Mission: Your mission at this pinnacle level is to attempt a set of barbell squats with an empty bar, completing a circuit of prescribed exercises. This achievement symbolizes a significant milestone in your strength training journey.


In conclusion, this detailed guide takes individuals through a step-by-step journey from overcoming initial fears to embracing advanced strength training with barbells. By acknowledging common anxieties, providing a flexible workout plan with specific exercises, and emphasizing the gradual progression of movements, the guide aims to make the gym experience accessible and enjoyable for beginners. It promotes not only physical fitness but also mental resilience, encouraging individuals to build a sustainable and lifelong relationship with strength training.