Going on a Llama Walk Was the Stress-Buster I Didn’t Know I Needed


In the realm of mental health, the pursuit of effective therapies is a dynamic journey, often marked by experimentation with various modalities. For individuals grappling with complex post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and anxiety, the quest for improved mental well-being becomes a profound exploration. Beyond traditional psychotherapy, meditation, and breathing exercises, a novel avenue has emerged — llama-assisted therapy. While dogs, cats, and horses may commonly be associated with emotional support or therapy animals, llamas have recently gained recognition for their potential therapeutic benefits.

Llama-Assisted Therapy: A Unique Perspective

The historic Mountain View Grand Resort & Spa in Whitefield, New Hampshire, serves as a backdrop for an unconventional therapeutic experience. Llamas, known for their gentle and calm temperaments, are enlisted as therapy animals to engage in leashed walks throughout the mountainside resort grounds. Jessica Jones, a knowledgeable guide, emphasizes that llamas excel at reading people’s energy, moods, and emotions, challenging the stereotypes surrounding these intriguing creatures.

Research Landscape

While the therapeutic benefits of llama-assisted therapy are still in the early stages of exploration, a 2006 study revealed promising outcomes. Children with autism undergoing llama-assisted therapy exhibited greater language use and improved social interactions compared to those undergoing standard occupational therapy. This suggests a potential avenue for expanding the application of llama-assisted therapy to various populations, including those with dementia.

Research Landscape Expansion

In delving deeper into the research landscape surrounding llama-assisted therapy, it becomes evident that while the field is still in its nascent stages, the potential benefits are garnering increased attention from the scientific community.

1. Childhood Development:

  • The aforementioned 2006 study, which showcased the positive impact of llama-assisted therapy on children with autism, warrants a more detailed examination. Notably, the findings suggested not only improvements in language use but also enhanced social interactions. The study’s design, methodologies, and long-term implications for incorporating llamas into therapeutic interventions for neurodevelopmental disorders merit thorough exploration.

2. Psychiatric Disorders and Farm Animal-Assisted Therapy:

  • Extending beyond autism, a comprehensive 2011 review underscores the potential of animal-assisted therapy with farm animals in reducing depression and anxiety in individuals with diagnosed psychiatric disorders. While the study provides a broad overview, a closer examination of specific farm animals’ roles and their unique contributions to alleviating symptoms would offer valuable insights.

3. Neurobiological Mechanisms:

  • In the realm of neuroscience, delving into the neurobiological mechanisms triggered by interactions with llamas could provide a nuanced understanding of the therapeutic effects. Exploring changes in neurotransmitter levels, neural pathways, and neuroendocrine responses may shed light on the intricate ways in which llamas contribute to emotional regulation and stress reduction.

4. Comparative Animal-Assisted Therapies:

  • A comparative analysis of llama-assisted therapy with other well-established animal-assisted interventions, such as equine therapy or canine therapy, could offer insights into the unique attributes that llamas bring to the therapeutic setting. Understanding the differential impacts of various animals on diverse populations might guide future tailored interventions.

5. Longitudinal Studies:

  • To establish the sustainability and long-term effects of llama-assisted therapy, longitudinal studies tracking participants over extended periods are essential. Investigating whether the benefits observed during a single llama walk endure over time, and whether there are cumulative effects with repeated sessions, could significantly contribute to the evidence base supporting this unconventional therapeutic approach.

6. Cultural and Societal Factors:

  • Beyond the clinical realm, examining the cultural and societal factors influencing the acceptance and efficacy of llama-assisted therapy would provide a more holistic perspective. Cultural attitudes toward animals, societal perceptions of unconventional therapies, and the integration of such interventions into mainstream mental health care warrant exploration.

By enriching our understanding of llama-assisted therapy through a more nuanced examination of existing research, we not only bolster the evidence base but also pave the way for future investigations and the integration of this unique therapeutic modality into mainstream mental health practices. The expansion of the research landscape reinforces the potential significance of llama-assisted therapy in fostering positive mental health outcomes across diverse populations.

Personal Journey

Amidst the challenges of an extra stressful year, the author embarks on a llama walk with Bourbon, one of the resident llamas. The subjective experience unfolds on an unseasonably warm morning in late October, setting the stage for a transformative encounter. The exploration delves into the psychological and emotional dimensions encountered during and after the llama walk.

1. Emotional Upliftment:

  • Interacting with animals, a timeless source of joy for many, has a scientific basis rooted in the release of oxytocin and serotonin, the “feel-good hormones.” The author describes a noticeable lift in mood during the walk with Bourbon, an effect that extends throughout the day. This observation aligns with existing research highlighting the positive impact of animal interactions on emotional well-being.

2. Mindfulness and Anxiety Reduction:

  • Jones introduces the concept of the leash as an emotional cord connecting the individual to the llama. This unique perspective prompts a heightened awareness of emotions, fostering mindfulness. The author actively engages in deep breathing exercises, not only for personal well-being but also as a means of caring for Bourbon. The symbiotic relationship established through the leash becomes a conduit for emotional attunement and anxiety reduction.

3. Overcoming Hypervigilance:

  • The author, dealing with complex PTSD and its symptom of hypervigilance, finds a surprising ally in Bourbon. As a protector within llama herds, Bourbon assumes a role akin to the “unofficial secret service” for the farm. The gradual easing of tension in the author’s body during the walk suggests a tangible impact on hypervigilance, demonstrating the potential of llama-assisted therapy in addressing specific symptoms of psychological distress.

4. Absorbing Serenity:

  • Contrary to common misconceptions, llamas are portrayed as disagreeable or aggressive creatures. The author’s understanding of Bourbon’s preferences and boundaries, guided by Jones’s insights, fosters a sense of connection. The emotional exchange, facilitated by the leash, seems to work both ways, with the author absorbing Bourbon’s serene and focused energy by the end of the stroll.

5. Nature’s Influence:

  • The therapeutic effects of the llama walk are intertwined with the natural setting, adding another layer to the healing experience. Research from 2019 indicates that exposure to nature increases happiness while decreasing mental distress. Even a brief period spent in a natural environment can reduce cortisol levels, the stress hormone. The synergistic impact of llama-assisted therapy and nature underscores the multifaceted approach to mental health enhancement.

6. Boost in Confidence:

  • Beyond emotional and psychological benefits, llama-assisted therapy contributes to an increase in self-esteem and self-efficacy. The necessity of leading an unfamiliar animal through unfamiliar terrain prompts a learning curve. The author’s initial nervousness transforms into growing confidence as the llama follows obediently. The sense of accomplishment derived from navigating a new experience without negative consequences becomes a crucial element of the therapeutic journey.


In conclusion, llama-assisted therapy emerges as a captivating and potentially transformative modality for mental health improvement. This exploration of the author’s personal journey highlights the nuanced interplay of emotions, mindfulness, and nature in the context of unconventional therapeutic interventions. As research continues to unfold, llama-assisted therapy stands at the intersection of science and experiential healing, offering a unique avenue for individuals seeking alternative approaches to mental well-being. The llama walk at the Mountain View Grand Resort & Spa serves as a testament to the profound connections that can be forged between humans and animals, transcending conventional boundaries in the pursuit of holistic healing.