Monthly Archives: December 2023

Help For Your Aching Back

When it comes to addressing back pain, Dr. Joerg Ermann, a rheumatologist at Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women’s Hospital, emphasizes the significance of understanding the duration of the pain—whether it’s a short-term (acute) issue or a chronic condition that persists for months or even years. Distinguishing between these scenarios is crucial, as it greatly influences the […]

Back Pain Risk Factors You Can Change

Back pain is a prevalent condition influenced by various factors, including genetics, age, and lifestyle. While certain risk factors are beyond our control, adopting a healthy lifestyle can significantly mitigate the risk of back pain or enhance coping mechanisms. This comprehensive guide explores key lifestyle factors that contribute to back pain and provides actionable strategies […]

Don’t Take Back Pain Sitting Down

Sitting down, often considered a respite for relaxation after a day on one’s feet, proves to be a source of discomfort and pain for many individuals. Rather than alleviating pain, prolonged periods of sitting tend to exacerbate back pain and discomfort for some people. What causes lower back pain when sitting? While the specific cause […]

What to do for Stubborn Low Back Pain

Some time ago, I discussed the latest evidence-based treatment guidelines for acute (lasting less than four weeks) and subacute (lasting less than twelve weeks) low back pain. I committed to providing information on chronic (lasting more than twelve weeks) back pain, and as I write this, I am currently experiencing a recurrence of my own […]

CBD for Chronic Pain: The Science Doesn’t Match the Marketing

Health care providers often identify chronic pain as one of the most challenging conditions to treat. Chronic pain is inherently complex and multidimensional, influenced by various factors such as our individual biology, mood, social environment, and past experiences. If you or someone you care about is grappling with chronic pain, you’re likely familiar with the […]

5 Tips For Coping With Sciatica

Sciatica is a prevalent yet often misconstrued form of pain, affecting up to 40% of individuals at some point in their lives, with its incidence increasing with age. While it is commonly associated with general back pain, sciatica is distinct in that it stems from the sciatic nerves. Typically, sciatic pain resolves on its own […]

Navigating Back Pain Treatments: Can a Physiatrist Help?

What is a physiatrist? Physiatrists, as medical professionals specializing in physical medicine and rehabilitation, play a crucial role in delivering comprehensive and holistic care. Their expertise is dedicated to providing nonsurgical interventions with the primary goal of enhancing functionality in individuals grappling with various conditions affecting the brain, spinal cord, nerves, bones, joints, ligaments, muscles, […]

Straight Talk on Planking

The plank pose, despite its simplicity, is a highly effective exercise that can be completed in just a minute but yields substantial benefits. While enduring the plank, one maintains a push-up position while resting on the forearms. Although the 60 seconds may be challenging, marked by sweating, shaking, and a sense of relief at the […]

Why Wait? Why Not Just Test and Treat Right Away?

Occasionally, the most effective “cure” for certain conditions is simply the passage of time. This is one rationale behind many doctors recommending watchful waiting rather than pursuing aggressive testing. The concept underscores that knowledge becomes empowering only when there are actionable steps that can be taken. In numerous instances, conditions may not warrant awareness or […]