Memorial Blood Centers kicks off event offering free pint in exchange for blood donation

On Tuesday, Memorial Blood Centers (MBC) is kicking off its “Pint for Pint” campaign to encourage people to donate blood.

The annual event gives away vouchers for a free or discounted beverage at a participating brewery or restaurant in exchange for a blood donation, according to event organizers.

They add August is typically a tough time for donor centers and the blood supply, in addition to the fact that blood donations in the area haven’t returned to pre-pandemic levels.

“The summer months always present challenges in the blood industry due to low donations caused by school breaks, vacations, and busy summer schedules,” said Kathy Geist, Vice President at Memorial Blood Centers. “We’re grateful to our local brewery and restaurant partners for stepping in to help when we need it most. We urge donors to take advantage of this fun summer campaign that allows them to save lives and support local businesses.”

The event goes until Sept. 10, according to MBC.

For information on the nearest donor center or blood drive, CLICK HERE.

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