Exact time you should go to bed to reduce risk of silent killer linked to sleep

Experts says there is an ideal time to hit the sack if you are to reduce the risk of potentially deadly cardiovascular problems.

The silent killer is linked to sleep and there is a ‘best bedtime’ you should stick to if you want to avoid it. It’s not down to how many hours your get, but the time when you’re phone is stored away and the telly turned off.

A study, published in the European Heart Journal, surveyed 10,3712 participants over a period of a week and experts examined the relationship between the moment you get your head down and heart issues. Some 3,172 cases were reported and those who call it a night between 10pm and 10.59pm were associated with the ‘lowest incidence of cardiovascular disease’.

Cardiovascular disease is the most significant cause of mortality worldwide and it is responsible for more than 18million deaths every year. The risk can increase with obesity and diabetes.

High blood pressure is also a danger and is extremely common, with around one in three UK adults having the condition. Also known as hypertension, it’s one of the most important risk factors for cardiovascular disease.

Heart and other circulatory complaints are among the biggest causes of death in the UK, and are often caused by a build-up of fatty deposits in the arteries around the heart. Atherosclerosis is where your arteries become narrowed, making it difficult for blood to flow through them.

And your chances of developing it are greater if you have high cholesterol and high blood pressure, which is one of the reasons why health bodies recommend you keep your blood pressure low. According to the Harvard School of Public Health, your diet is a great way to help keep blood pressure in check – and this is where our four fruit juices come into play.

It is advised to consume foods and drinks high in potassium, as the mineral works to remove sodium from the body, something which raises blood pressure. The more potassium you eat, the more sodium the body is able to excrete through urine. The essential mineral also helps to relax blood vessel walls, further reducing blood pressure.

Many of us have high blood pressure without knowing

It’s important to get our blood pressure checked regularly, even if you feel absolutely fine.

While the British Heart Foundation (BHF) says high blood pressure ‘rarely has noticeable symptoms’, the following can be a sign of the condition:

Academic medical centre Mayo Clinic, based in the US, warns: “Most people with high blood pressure have no signs or symptoms, even if blood pressure readings reach dangerously high levels.” The NHS says the only way to know if your blood pressure is high is to get it checked.

Anyone over the age of 40 is advised to book a reading at least every five years. The Cleveland Clinic explains a blood pressure reading is made up of two numbers – one ‘systolic’ and the other ‘diastolic’.

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