Alcohol raises your blood pressure – even as little as one drink, study shows

“As best we can tell, alcohol is alcohol, whether it comes in wine, or in beer, or in spirits, in terms of blood pressure. It doesn’t seem to matter,” said Whelton.

NEW ORLEANS — Doctors have a new health finding when it comes to drinking alcohol, even just one glass a day. A local doctor was part of a worldwide study and says the findings are important, especially in this area.

High blood pressure is known as the silent killer. That’s because you don’t feel any symptoms. And it can lead to heart attacks, strokes and cardiovascular disease.

When asked do we have a higher than average amount of people with high blood pressure in our area? Tulane Chair of Global Public Health, Dr. Paul Whelton said, “We do. It is unfortunately common here. It tends to be associated with our lifestyle.”

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