New York issues vibriosis warning against raw shellfish, sea swimming

Gov. Kathy Hochul is urging New Yorkers to “stay vigilant” and take the necessary precautions to protect themselves against vibriosis, an infection caused by a flesh-eating bacteria that has been linked to one recent death in New York and two in Connecticut.

The bacteria, called Vibrio vulnificus, occurs naturally in saltwater coastal environments and can be found in higher concentrations during the warmer months.


Infections are rare but could be extremely dangerous. They can be caused by eating raw or undercooked shellfish or by exposing an open wound —including scrapes and recent piercings or tattoos — to saltwater.

Many people who become infected require intensive care or limb amputations, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. About one in five infected people die, sometimes within a day or two of becoming ill.


On Wednesday, Hochul said vibriosis was linked to the recent death of a Suffolk County resident.

Two Connecticut residents have also died of vibriosis this summer, while one other person became ill. However, none of the cases were associated with the consumption of shellfish found in the state, according to the Connecticut Department of Public Health.

“While rare, the vibrio bacteria has unfortunately made it to this region and can be extraordinarily dangerous,” Hochul said.

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“As we investigate further, it is critical that all New Yorkers stay vigilant and take responsible precautions to keep themselves and their loved ones safe, including protecting open wounds from seawater and for those with compromised immune systems, avoiding raw or undercooked shellfish which may carry the bacteria,” she added.

Anyone can get vibriosis, but some people are more likely to get an infection — or develop serious complications when infected.

That includes those with conditions such as weakened immune systems, cancer or liver diseases, or those taking medicine to decrease stomach acid levels.

Anyone with wounds, such as a cut or scrape, or people with recent tattoos or piercings, should avoid swimming in warm seawater, or cover the wound with a waterproof bandage.

Additionally, “if you have a compromised immune system, you should also avoid handling or eating raw seafood that could also carry the bacteria,” said New York State Health Commissioner Dr. James McDonald.


State health officials are also asking healthcare providers to consider vibriosis when diagnosing wound infections or sepsis of unknown origins.

“We are reminding providers to be on the lookout for cases of vibriosis, which is not often the first diagnosis that comes to mind,” McDonald said.

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