Hipkins to miss engagements to care for 4yo daughter

Prime Minister Chris Hipkins will be less visible over the next few days as he helps care for his daughter. Photo / Mark Mitchell

Prime Minister Chris Hipkins is stepping away from his political engagements for a few days to help care for his young daughter in hospital.

Hipkins, who is renowned for keeping his family out of the public eye, published a short message on social media to explain why he would be missing some events in the coming days.

“I don’t normally talk publicly about my kids because I want them to grow up out of the public spotlight, but sometimes it’s unavoidable.

“Both my kids have a blood condition called Von Willebrand Syndrome. It means that sometimes when they get bleeding noses or other health issues they need a bit of extra medical help to get sorted.


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“Today my 4-year-old is in hospital for some needed treatment, so for the rest of the day while that is happening I’ll be working from the hospital while I’m focused on her.”

Hipkins said it was likely he’d be back at work “soon” and thanked his colleagues for filling in in his absence.

He ended by sending a message of gratitude to blood donors.

“Lots of New Zealanders rely on the generosity of those who give blood. Thank you to all those who help out people like my little girl.”


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Upon his ascension to Prime Minister in January, Hipkins asked New Zealanders to respect the privacy of his wife and two children.

“As a member of Parliament and as a public figure, I’ve worked really hard in the time that I’ve been in politics to keep my family out of the public limelight,” Hipkins said.

“I want [my children] to grow up with a typical, Kiwi-kid life. I want them to be able to make mistakes, I want them to be able to learn and to grow without five million people looking over their shoulder, so I intend to keep them out of the public limelight.

“You won’t see pictures of them on social media or in the media and so on, and I simply ask New Zealanders to respect that as well.”

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