After nearly 60 years, Dayton’s Community Blood Center is CBC no more

DAYTON, Ohio (WDTN) — After nearly 60 years, the Community Blood Center and Community Tissue Center will be going under a new name.

As of Friday, Sept. 1, the blood and tissue centers will be known by the single name “Solvita.”

(Photo courtesy of Solvita)

“We have been impacting lives for decades, but under dual identities,” said CEO Christopher Graham. “We now have one name that uniquely represents our purpose, our growth, and our aspirations for the future. That name is Solvita.”

According to a release, the name derives from Latin, with “sol” meaning sun and “vita” meaning life.

“As sunlight nurtures new life, Solvita takes the donor gift and transforms it into new hope, bringing the light of healing to patients in local hospitals receiving blood transfusions, and to those in need of tissue transplants around the world,” said the release.

The Solvita sun logo, which replaces the former blood drop logo, will be accompanied by the tagline “From One to Many.”

“Our role is to take life further,” Graham said. “We are dedicated to helping our donors make a lasting impact on the world. We act as the link between generous donors and patients in need.”

The blood center will continue to operate as the same not-for-profit company and be governed by the same local volunteer board of directors.

For more information about Solvita, or to make an appointment to donate, click here.

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