The Importance of Knowing Your Blood Type: 3 Methods to Identify Yours

You might not know your blood type, and that can be a problem when it comes to your overall wellness. No matter your age or health, it’s crucial to know whether you’re type A, B or O. Having this piece of information can help you in an emergency situation or make filling out certain forms a little easier. 

For example, I was recently filling out a volunteer application and was asked to provide my blood type. Luckily, I knew off the top of my head that I’m type O-positive, but I wanted to find documentation to confirm that. I called my mom to see if blood type is listed on my birth certificate — no luck. I checked my physician’s health portal — also no luck.

So how does someone figure out their blood type if they don’t already know it?

If you have no clue what your type is, you’re not alone. According to a 2019 CBS News poll, only 66% of Americans reported knowing their blood type. Considering blood type can be vital to understanding your health, including your heart health — and saving your life in an emergency — it’s important to know what kind of blood courses through your veins. The good news is finding out your blood type is relatively simple and you have options. Below are three easy ways to find out your blood type. 

Blood type basics

Blood type is categorized into one of these eight groups: A-positive, A-negative, B-positive, B-negative, O-positive, O-negative, AB-positive and AB-negative. But what determines blood type and what does that blood type mean?

Blood types are determined by antigens — a substance that triggers an immune response — on the surface of red blood cells. There are ABO antigens, which designate ABO blood types. This is determined by the ABO gene. For example:

  • Type A blood type has the A antigen
  • Type B blood type has the B antigen
  • Type AB blood type has both the A and B antigen
  • Type O doesn’t produce any A or B antigen

There are also Rhesus (Rh) antigens, which determine if blood is “positive” or “negative.” If you have Rh proteins on the surface of your red blood cells, you are Rh positive. If you don’t have Rh proteins on the surface of your red blood cells, you have negative blood.

EldonCard Blood Type Test EldonCard Blood Type Test

With at-home kits, you can determine blood type in the comfort of your own home in just a few minutes. 


3. At-home blood test

At-home tests are relatively straightforward. You will usually start by wiping your finger with an alcohol wipe and then be required to prick your finger with a disposable lancet to draw blood. Then, you will wipe blood on the provided card. Depending on how the blood dries, clumps or spreads, you will be able to compare your blood stain to a results card. Within minutes, you’ll be able to determine which blood type you are. 

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