TUI tourist vomits blood after stay in hotel as 70 holidaymakers call in lawyers

A TUI tourist was dashed to hospital and was vomiting blood after her stay at a four-star TUI holiday resort in Morocco.

Chelsea Hagan is among more than 70 holidaymakers who have sought legal counsel to investigate the matter. The tourists all stayed at the Hotel Aqua Mirage in Marrakech and have engaged the services of lawyers at Irwin Mitchell.

Chelsea, a 29-year-old woman from Anglesey, North Wales, began experiencing severe symptoms including vomiting blood, leading to her hospitalisation. She was diagnosed with cryptosporidium, a parasitic infection typically transmitted through contaminated water.

Chelsea's daughter Darcey fell ill on her return from holiday

Chelsea’s daughter Darcey fell ill on her return from holiday
Irwin Mitchell/Media Wales)

The tourists all holidayed at the four-star Hotel Aqua Mirage in Marrakech

The tourists all holidayed at the four-star Hotel Aqua Mirage in Marrakech
Irwin Mitchell/Media Wales)

Upon their return to the UK, Chelsea’s six-year-old daughter Darcey also fell ill, exhibiting gastric symptoms such as diarrhoea and vomiting. Despite two visits to the GP, Darcey’s condition did not improve, resulting in a referral to the hospital. Chelsea’s illness started around September 24, manifesting as diarrhoea, headaches, fatigue, and stomach pain. When she began vomiting blood, she contacted NHS 111 and was advised to seek immediate medical attention.

At the hospital, Chelsea received intravenous (IV) fluids and anti-sickness medication to combat her cryptosporidium diagnosis. While Darcey’s symptoms subsided around October 7, Chelsea continues to grapple with ongoing health issues, Wales Online reports.

A distressed Chelsea shared: “When Darcey started being sick, I thought maybe it was from the heat on holiday, but after a few days I ended up taking her to the hospital as she wasn’t getting any better. It was awful seeing my little girl so unwell.”

In a shocking revelation, a holidaymaker shared her harrowing experience of falling severely ill due to poor hygiene standards at a resort. “Then I fell ill, and I couldn’t believe how bad I got. I’ve never felt stomach pain like it. I spent almost a day in hospital vomiting. It was horrendous,” she recounted.

The discovery of a gastric infection upon her return from vacation left her stunned. She recalled the subpar hygiene conditions at the resort, saying: “I remember raw meat was put next to cooked meat and people would pick at the food with their hands. At one stage, one of the toilet cubicles by the pool was covered in diarrhoea and vomit; it was disgusting.”

A year after the incident, she continues to grapple with health issues, including persistent diarrhoea and mild gastritis, an inflammation of the stomach.

“Almost a year on, I’m still not 100 per cent. While I know there’s nothing I can do to change what we’ve been through, I want some answers. I feel it’s the least we deserve,” she expressed.

Sarita Sharma, the specialist international serious injury lawyer at Irwin Mitchell representing the group, including the victim and another sufferer Darcey, voiced her concerns: “The first-hand account we’ve heard from Chelsea about her illness and the similar symptoms suffered by Darcey as well as others are deeply concerning.”

“Chelsea was diagnosed with cryptosporidium following hospital tests. What’s even more alarming is that she continues to grapple with the illness a year later. Chelsea and Darcey are just two of the more than 70 individuals who lodged at this hotel during the summer and autumn of 2022, only to be plagued by gastric illnesses.

“The list of ailments suffered by our clients includes cryptosporidium, e.coli, campylobacter, and salmonella, all of which can have severe long-term health implications. Understandably, our clients are riddled with questions and concerns about their ordeal. We’re currently investigating these concerns to provide them with the answers they rightfully deserve.

“If any issues surface during our investigations, it’s crucial that lessons are learned to prevent other travellers from enduring the suffering and distress caused by holiday illnesses and their impacts. As part of our ongoing investigations, we’re eager to hear from anyone who stayed at the Hotel Aqua Mirage last year and experienced similar symptoms.”

Chelsea and Darcey’s ill-fated holiday, booked through TUI UK Ltd, took place between September 9 and 16, 2022. TUI has been approached for comment on this matter.

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