Thursday’s FOX43 Blood Drive with the American Red Cross

FOX43 highlights the importance of donating blood during the summer, and what types are in low supply here!

YORK COUNTY, Pa. — During the summer, American Red Cross officials say blood donations run dangerously low. 

“We are so grateful to see donors coming in droves. We don’t have schools and colleges open during the summer, and we really rely on our donors to come and support our community blood drives,” said Bonnie Wolf, an account manager with the American Red Cross  

Wolf says about 20% of their donations come from that younger population, so hitting the quota at drives like Thursday’s is important for achieving the overall goal. 

The organization is looking to stock up on all blood types, but right now they stress a lack of supply in “O Negative”, the universal and first blood type often used in trauma care and treatment. 

“I’ve been coming to blood drives for about a year now. This will be seven units as of today over the last year. It’s important because people are always going through surgery,” said Michael Fynes, a donor at the blood drive.   

Fynes is passionate about the community and has made it a point over the last year, to help those in need through donating blood.

“Both my parents died and they both went through a lot in regard to surgeries, so I always thought that I needed to give back because they were always taken care of when they needed it,” Fynes said. 

Having consistent donors like Fynes help keep blood supply of all types up all year round for the organization. 

After participants donated, water, juice, snacks and t-shirts were distributed by a few familiar FOX43 faces. 

If you were unable to come out, another blood drive is already being scheduled for next month.

Click here to head to the American Red Cross website for more information. 

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