How much does cord blood banking cost?

There are two ways to bank your baby’s cord blood: public banking or private banking. Public banking, commonly considered a donation, is free. The fees charged by private family cord blood banks can come with an expensive price tag.

How much does cord blood banking cost? 

Private cord blood banking typically requires a processing fee that can range from $1,350 to $2,350, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics. There’s also an annual storage fee that ranges from about $100 to $175.

This may sound like a lot, but some banks offer payment plans, such as no-interest installments paid over a few months or longer-term financing with interest.

How to make private banking more affordable

The fees and annual payments may be a stretch for many families, and it’s a service that is not typically covered by insurance. In that case, public banking may be a more practical option if you are interested in banking cord blood.

However, some private banks do offer discounts if you prepay storage for longer periods or discounts for banking more than one child’s cord blood. Discounts may also be offered to first responders and military families. 

You may also be able to store your baby’s cord blood for little to no cost with the help of financial aid if you have a family member who has a qualifying medical condition and may need therapy with the new baby’s stem cells. This is also true if your baby is diagnosed before birth with a condition that qualifies for participation in a clinical trial.

The real price you pay is almost always lower than the official price, because in any given week many of the banks are running some type of “limited time” discount or special offer.

What to consider when comparing bank prices

Make sure to look into shipping costs (are they included upfront?) as well as caculate the net cost after 20 years. Sometimes banks will lure you in with very low upfront fees, but you end up paying more in the long run.

Keep in mind, price isn’t always a reliable determining factor. A less expensive bank may be cutting corners, such as not providing a well-insulated shipping box and courier transport to safeguard cell survival during transport, for example – or, it may simply be spending less on marketing and passing along the savings to customers.

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More cord blood resources

The Parent’s Guide to Cord Blood Foundation can help you find a private cord blood bank in your area. 

To hear what other parents are saying about cord blood banking decisions, visit the cord blood banking group in the BabyCenter Community.

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