Dubai doctors save woman with multiple blood clots

Emergency doctors in Dubai have saved the life of a woman who had multiple blood clots in her lower body.

The 47-year-old patient, from Ghana, was rushed to Al Tadawi Speciality Hospital on September 14 with severe chest pain and fever.

The situation was critical, said Dr Saher Arour, consultant vascular surgery at the hospital.

“She was suffering from symptoms for a couple of days. She had hypoxaemia [low levels of oxygen in the blood] and swelling in her lower body,” said Dr Arour.

Deadly discovery

He said medics rapidly discovered that multiple blood clots were blocking vital arteries in the woman’s lower body, and veins in her abdomen.

“She needed a quick intervention as there was a possibility the clot would go to the upper body and kill her,” added Dr Arour.

Blood clots can kill if they move to the heart, lungs or other vital organs, blocking blood flow and shutting them down.

Doctors performed an emergency procedure to remove the clots, placing a filter in the veins to stop them from moving and any more forming.

“The intervention procedure was remarkably successful. We saved her life,” he said.

The woman was kept under observation at the intensive care unit in the hospital.

“She was in stable condition and symptom-free. After a couple of days, she was discharged from the hospital,” said Dr Arour.

The medical team said blood clots can form because of obesity, genetic reasons and inactivity.

Updated: September 23, 2023, 1:22 PM

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