Give blood

Versiti Blood Center of Michigan said it needs 3,600 blood donors every week to maintain a safe supply of blood for emergency rooms and other medical needs.

Unfortunately, officials from the blood collection group told News staff writer Michael Gonzalez recently that they’re seeing fewer first-time donors stepping up to help.

We have to reverse that.

Giving blood is easy. It takes only about an hour and, besides the slight discomfort of the needle poke, painless. You even get free snacks after.

An added benefit: Before giving blood, donors undergo a quick examination that could reveal health problems in the donor, such as high blood pressure, a heart arrhythmia, or even an infectious disease.

But the biggest benefit of all is that sitting around with a needle in your arm for a few minutes can help save lives. People involved in accidents and people being treated for certain cancers and blood disorders all need donated blood, and your generosity can help keep them alive.

Versiti will hold its next blood drive from noon to 4 p.m. Thursday at MediLodge of Rogers City.

We hope to see a long line of people waiting to give.

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