NPCC and American Red Cross host blood drive on campus

NORTH PLATTE, Neb. (KNOP) – North Platte Community College had its first blood drive of the school year on Friday. This was the first of four blood drives that the college plans to have at its student activity building.

The NPCC encourages students and residents of North Platte to come out and donate their blood to ultimately save multiple lives for those who need it.

Jason Osmotherly , associate dean of student life at NPCC, has donated blood numerous times and hopes more people will donate blood in the future.

“I have been pretty passionate about donating blood for quite a few years now since high school and so it’s something that’s pretty important to the cause. American Red Cross just across the nation is in need of donors to give we are in a blood shortage right now and that’s why this drive is so important today,” Osmotherly said.

The next blood drive will be at North Platte Community College on Nov. 28.

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