TCM has positive effects on heart disease, experts say

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has been found to have positive effects on treating and controlling atherosclerosis (AS), a main cause of coronary disease, strokes and peripheral vascular disease, experts said on Friday, World Heart Day, which is to raise public awareness of cardiovascular disease.

AS incidence is rising in China due to changes in lifestyle and diet, and the average age of patients is becoming younger, which should trigger alarm in the medical field and with the public, experts said.

AS is the build-up of fats, cholesterol and other substances in and on the artery walls. This build-up is called plaque and can cause arteries to narrow, blocking blood flow. It can be prevented, treated and controlled with medication and a healthy lifestyle.

Local doctors said they have introduced a combined therapy of Western and traditional Chinese medicine in AS treatment and control.

According to TCM theory, the mechanism of AS is complicated. The occurrence of AS is related to various organs as well as factors such as congenital reasons, age, fatigue and diet. TCM experts said the prevention and control of AS stems from protection of the blood vessels. Chinese herbs have their advantages on this aspect.

The Chinese Interactive Medicine Association’s cardiovascular disease branch has made a guideline for a Western and TCM combined treatment for AS in order to regulate the clinical practice and improve treatment effects.

The guideline has confirmed that the Shexiang Baoxin Pill, a well-known composite formula of traditional Chinese medicine for cardiovascular disease treatment, can also benefit people with AS, and it gives guidance on proper use of the medicine.

Evidence-based research and clinical experiences have shown that the Shexiang Baoxin pill can enhance blood vessel growth, reduce inflammatory reactions, and reduce plaque, doctors said.

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