Canadian Blood Services needs close to 500 Winnipeg donors to sustain inventory

Canadian Blood Services is asking people in Winnipeg to donate blood this weekend as its inventory is concerningly low. 

Winnipeg needs to fill 475 appointments to keep inventory levels sufficient for the rest of July, says a Friday afternoon news release. 

There is currently enough inventory to meet the needs of hospital patients, but the organization does need donors to prevent a shortage, said Gayle Voyer, associate director for Canadian Blood Services. 

The organization is also seeing a number of cancellations of donation appointments, which is typical during the summer months, she said. 

“We often see different behaviour in the summer as people are you know going away for the weekends or maybe going camping or they’re having friends in, that kind of thing,” she said in an interview with CBC. 

Some types of blood are particularly needed, Voyer said, including O negative, O positive, B negative, A negative and A positive. 

Voyer said Canadian Blood Services is asking returning donors to keep their donation appointments while also appealing to new donors. 

“The levels are concerning and if people are waiting to be asked, we are asking,” she said. 

Appointments can be made through or calling 1-888-236-6283. Same day appointments are available.

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