Optimising Cryopreservation for Cardiovascular Research

AMSBIO, in collaboration with the University of Strathclyde, announces a new poster detailing an extensive evaluation of the impact of three cryopreservation reagents (CELLBANKER® 1, CELLBANKER® 2, and commonly used 10% DMSO) on vascular smooth muscle cells (vSMCs) regarding viability and proliferative capacity.

Understanding vascular remodelling in cardiovascular diseases necessitates precise single-cell analysis of vSMCs. While large-scale solutions for single-cell analysis are well-established, challenges arise when working with freshly isolated vSMCs due to their rapid deterioration and loss of native phenotype. To enhance viable cell numbers and reduce animal use, a robust cryopreservation protocol for native vSMCs becomes essential.

The poster elaborates on Dr Mairi Sandison and Dr Michele Zagnoni’s innovative single-cell culture approach for tracking phenotypic heterogeneity in vSMCs, to advance our understanding of the cellular sub-populations that are drivers of disease. Their work, alongside doctoral student Ellis Smith, developed a sophisticated microwell array designed for the long-term confinement of single vSMC progeny. This approach leverages the exceptional cell-repellent properties of Lipidure®-CM as a coating material, to ensure robust confinement of these highly adherent, migratory cells, enabling reliable tracking of phenotypic changes in large numbers of single cells and their progeny over time. using Lipidure®-CM as a coating material to confine single vSMC progeny long-term. CELLBANKER® cryopreservation media were utilised to preserve freshly isolated vSMCs, allowing increased experimentation from a single tissue.

Key findings highlight the remarkable advantages of CELLBANKER® cryopreservation media. CELLBANKER® 1 significantly improved survival rates of freshly isolated myocytes, maintaining high viability (95%) post-thaw. In comparison, DMSO-based media showed lower post-thaw viability (78%). Furthermore, CELLBANKER 1&2 outperformed DMSO-based protocols in assessing frozen primary cell growth, displaying four to five times greater cell growth after one week of culture.

Download and read the poster in full.

The CELLBANKER® series of cell freezing media enables the stable long-term storage of cells. With its unique formulation which enables stable cryopreservation and high viability after freeze-thaw procedures, CELLBANKER is a trusted solution for the storage of any cell type including sensitive cell lines.

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