Busy Philipps Just Shot Garlic Up Her Nose to Relieve Sinus Congestion—and It Looks So Painful

“Oh my god, it really burns!”

Busy Philipps, a beloved figure on social media, particularly Instagram, has gained a dedicated and adoring fan base thanks to her entertaining and often hilariously candid Instagram Stories. However, her recent post left many of her followers both amused and perplexed as she embarked on a rather unconventional nasal remedy that raised more than a few eyebrows. In the video, she fearlessly loaded a syringe with a concoction of distilled garlic water and proceeded to inject it into her nasal passages. Her real-time reactions, which ranged from “that’s terrible” to “it really burns,” had viewers simultaneously cringing and questioning the rationale behind this peculiar nasal treatment. A chorus of concerned onlookers wondered, couldn’t she have just opted for a more conventional solution like a Neti pot?

Yet, amidst the surprise and even disbelief that Philipps’ video generated, it’s worth noting that experts in the medical field, like Dr. Richard Lebowitz, the Chief of Rhinology at NYU Langone Health, weren’t as taken aback. According to Dr. Lebowitz, the use of unconventional substances in nasal rinses is not entirely unheard of; in fact, people have been experimenting with various solutions for nasal issues for some time. Nasal rinsing, a practice often done with a saline solution, is a well-established method for addressing a variety of nasal and sinus-related problems, including congestion and sinus pressure. This technique involves irrigating the nasal passages, effectively flushing out mucus and ultimately improving breathing.

It’s important to clarify a common misconception about nasal rinses, as they are often referred to as “sinus rinses.” Contrary to the name, these rinses primarily target the nasal passages and do not directly reach the sinuses. Dr. Lebowitz explains that while they indirectly benefit the sinuses by reducing nasal congestion, the rinse itself does not enter the sinus cavities.

For those seeking a more conventional approach to nasal rinsing, there are numerous over-the-counter options available, including squeeze bottles and sprays. Philipps could have explored these options, though they might not have accommodated garlic as seamlessly as her chosen method. Dr. Lebowitz emphasizes that the specific form of rinse matters less than the individual’s comfort level with the product. Occasionally, physicians incorporate prescription medications into nasal rinses for targeted treatment, but many patients often turn to home remedies, such as Manuka honey, due to its noted antibacterial properties.

So, why the garlic? Garlic is celebrated for its immune-boosting properties and is considered a natural remedy with antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antifungal attributes, as pointed out by Dr. Neeta Ogden, a board-certified asthma and allergy specialist. Garlic contains compounds that can reduce swelling and potentially combat bacteria in the nasal cavity.

One of the key components in garlic is allicin, a sulfur-containing compound known for its potent antibacterial properties. Allicin has been studied for its potential to help alleviate respiratory infections and congestion. Additionally, garlic is rich in antioxidants, which can further support the body’s defense against illness.

However, it’s essential to exercise caution when experimenting with garlic in this manner, as just because it’s a healthy food doesn’t necessarily mean it’s suitable for nasal use. Dr. Ogden advises individuals to try a small amount to ensure it doesn’t trigger a strong irritant reaction and to avoid using solid pieces of garlic bulb, as they could be uncomfortable.

Incorporating garlic into your diet in various culinary forms, such as minced in soups or sauces, may also provide some of these potential benefits without the discomfort of direct nasal application. Ultimately, while garlic holds promise as a natural remedy, it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional before using it as a treatment for specific health concerns.

In her video, Busy Philipps did take certain precautions to make her unconventional remedy as safe as possible. She used distilled water, which is filtered or treated to remove harmful organisms, and carefully strained the solution through cheesecloth. Nevertheless, it was evident that the experience was far from pleasant for her, as her candid reactions showcased.

Philipps’ willingness to experiment with unconventional remedies highlights the extent to which individuals may go to find relief from common health issues. In the age of the internet, people often come across a myriad of unconventional health advice, some of which may be unverified or even unsafe. While her approach might have offered temporary relief, it’s crucial to approach such methods with caution and skepticism.

Surprisingly, despite the initial discomfort, Philipps reported that the treatment had a positive impact on her nasal congestion. She exclaimed, “I literally can breathe for the first time in weeks,” though she humorously added, “I’m not recommending it to you, but it’s working.” This reaction underscores the subjective nature of remedies and how what works for one person may not work for another.

While Philipps’ unorthodox approach did seem to offer some benefits in her case, it’s safe to say that many experts and viewers alike would likely advise sticking to more conventional and established methods, such as using a Neti pot, when seeking relief from nasal issues. These methods have a track record of safety and effectiveness and are recommended by healthcare professionals. It’s essential to consult with a healthcare provider before trying any unconventional treatments, especially if you have underlying health conditions or concerns.