VEG Starts Canine Blood Bank

Veterinary Emergency Group is seeking donors in Washington, D.C., and Boston to supply a newly launched canine blood bank program.

“Canine blood supplies are low and always in need,” said VEG blood bank director Jessie Brown. “We are looking to local pet parents to see if their dog fits the criteria to be a superhero blood donor.”

While the concept of animal blood banks isn’t new, the rise in pet ownership has increased the demand for the service.

Participating dogs receive a blood screening and physical examination at no cost to the owner. In addition, donors receive a souvenir toy and have their picture taken so the blood recipient’s owner can see their pet’s donor.

Donor dogs must meet the following requirements:

  • Have no known medical conditions.
  • Take no medications except flea, tick and heartworm preventives.
  • Weigh at least 55 pounds.
  • Be 1 to 8 years old.
  • Be current on vaccinations and deworming.
  • Have received no blood transfusions.
  • Be calm, trusting and able to lie still for five to 10 minutes.

VEG asks that pet owners pledge their dogs to donate blood every other month.

The national hospital network is considering starting a feline blood bank and plans to expand its canine program to Philadelphia and Tampa, Florida.

The blood bank will supply VEG and nearby hospitals.

“We are open to sharing blood with local veterinary clinics so no patients go without live-saving products,” Brown said.

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