Leaking Fluid During Pregnancy: What It Means

Pregnancy is a time of profound physical and emotional changes for expectant mothers, and the journey is often marked by moments of joy, anticipation, and occasionally, anxiety. One such anxiety-inducing event is the sudden leakage of fluid, which can raise concerns about the well-being of both the mother and the baby. In this comprehensive exploration, we will delve into the phenomenon of leaking fluid during pregnancy, particularly focusing on preterm premature rupture of membranes (PPROM), its causes, implications, and the care required to address it.

Preterm Premature Rupture of Membranes (PPROM)

PPROM is a pregnancy complication in which the amniotic membrane, the protective sac surrounding the baby, ruptures before the 37th week of pregnancy. This event carries several potential risks, including an increased susceptibility to infection and a higher likelihood of preterm birth. PPROM is not uncommon, occurring in roughly 8 to 15 percent of pregnancies.

The experience of PPROM can be distressing for expectant mothers, as it raises concerns about the viability of the pregnancy. The situation is particularly challenging when it occurs well before the fetus reaches a point of viability outside the womb. This was the situation faced by the author of this article when she arrived at the Labor and Delivery Department at 18 weeks pregnant.

The Experience of Leaking Fluid

Leaking fluid during pregnancy can be a disconcerting and emotionally charged experience. In the author’s case, it began as a sudden gush, distinct from the common issue of incontinence that many pregnant women encounter. It felt uncontrollable and different from urination, prompting her to seek medical attention.

The initial uncertainty and anxiety that accompanied the leakage led to a series of medical evaluations and tests. The author’s doctor advised her to take it easy and monitor the situation, as sometimes the amniotic sac can reseal, allowing the pregnancy to continue. However, the persistent leakage of fluid raised concerns about the potential rupture of the sac and its implications for the pregnancy.

The Diagnostic Journey

The diagnostic process for leaking fluid during pregnancy involves a series of tests to determine the nature and source of the fluid. A primary test involves the use of a litmus strip applied to the fluid near the cervix. In the author’s case, this test yielded a negative result, suggesting that the leakage might not be amniotic fluid.

Infections, particularly those affecting the bladder or uterus, are a leading cause of PPROM. To rule out infection as a contributing factor, the author was tested, and both results were negative. These negative results provided a glimmer of hope that the situation might not be as dire as initially feared.

The Role of Ultrasound

Ultrasound imaging plays a pivotal role in assessing the status of the pregnancy in cases of leaking fluid. In the author’s case, the ultrasound was conducted to ensure an adequate amount of fluid surrounded the fetus. Reassuringly, the ultrasound results indicated that the fluid levels were within the normal range, alleviating concerns about immediate risks to the baby.

Furthermore, the ultrasound technician offered the expectant parents the opportunity to discover the sex of their baby, injecting a moment of joy and relief amidst the uncertainty.

Understanding the Cause

Following the diagnostic evaluations, the author’s doctor explained that the leaking fluid might not have been amniotic fluid at all. It was suggested that the outer layer of the amniotic sac might have developed a small hole, leading to the leakage of fluid contained between the sac’s two layers. This fluid may have subsequently resealed, replenishing itself.

Alternatively, it was considered that the author might have experienced an extended episode of urinary incontinence, a phenomenon not uncommon in pregnant women.

Recognizing Signs and Taking Action

The National Library of Medicine offers valuable guidance for expectant mothers concerned about PPROM. One of the most significant signs to watch for is fluid leaking from the vagina, which can occur either gradually or as a sudden gush. In such cases, it is advisable to use a pad to absorb some of the fluid and to observe its characteristics. Amniotic fluid typically lacks color and has a distinct sweet smell, distinguishing it from urine.

If there is a suspicion of membrane rupture, immediate contact with a healthcare provider is crucial. Timely evaluation and intervention can play a pivotal role in addressing the situation and safeguarding the health of both the mother and the baby.


Leaking amniotic fluid during pregnancy is undoubtedly a distressing experience that has the potential to evoke an overwhelming sense of fear and uncertainty in expectant mothers. This fear is particularly pronounced when dealing with a condition like Preterm Premature Rupture of Membranes (PPROM), as it brings with it heightened concerns about the possibility of preterm birth and the associated risks that entail.

However, as poignantly illustrated in the author’s story, a comprehensive and meticulous diagnostic process is a critical ally in these challenging circumstances. This process often involves a battery of tests, including amniotic fluid tests, and frequent ultrasound imaging, all of which play a pivotal role in determining the nature of the leakage and assessing the overall well-being of the developing baby.

It is essential for expectant mothers to be well-informed about the signs of amniotic fluid leakage, to carefully observe its characteristics, and, most importantly, to seek prompt and immediate medical attention when deemed necessary. While the experience can undoubtedly be emotionally charged, the timely intervention and unwavering support provided by dedicated healthcare providers can often lead to positive outcomes. This reassuring prospect not only bolsters the physical health of both mother and child but also serves as a source of immense comfort and empowerment, allowing mothers-to-be to navigate the complex and sometimes treacherous terrain of pregnancy with a newfound sense of confidence, resilience, and peace of mind.