19 Famous People That Have Psoriasis

Got psoriasis? You’re not alone. These celebrities and public figures have the skin condition too.

Psoriasis, the autoimmune disorder that causes the rapid growth of skin cells and leads to visible signs of inflammation in the form of plaques or scales, is a condition that affects a substantial portion of the population. In the United States alone, over 7.5 million adults grapple with psoriasis. It’s important to recognize that psoriasis doesn’t discriminate, affecting individuals from all walks of life, including some well-known celebrities. This revelation emphasizes the fact that you are not alone in your battle against psoriasis.

Understanding Psoriasis

Psoriasis manifests as plaques or scales on the skin due to the accumulation of skin cells that fail to shed as they should. While psoriasis can affect skin anywhere on the body, it frequently appears on areas such as the elbows, knees, and scalp. It’s worth noting that this condition is not just skin-deep; it can also be associated with other health issues, like psoriatic arthritis, which compounds the challenges faced by those living with it.

Now, let’s delve into the stories of 19 famous celebrities who have chosen to openly share their struggles with psoriasis, shedding light on their personal journeys:

1. Jonathan Van Ness: The beloved figure from Netflix’s “Queer Eye” reboot has been candid about their psoriasis battle. It took them five doctors to finally identify the condition, which they initially believed to be an allergic reaction. After seven years of enduring flare-ups, Van Ness has reached a place of acceptance, proudly displaying their unedited skin on social media.

2. Kim Kardashian: Reality TV icon Kim Kardashian received her psoriasis diagnosis at the age of 30, an age when her mother, Kris Jenner, also grappled with the condition. Psoriasis often emerges between ages 15 and 25 and has a strong genetic component. Kardashian’s diagnosis was aired on “Keeping Up with the Kardashians,” and her doctor recommended stress reduction, as stress can be a trigger for some individuals with psoriasis.

3. CariDee English: Before becoming America’s Next Top Model in 2006, CariDee English waged a lengthy battle against psoriasis, diagnosed at the tender age of five. At one point, 80% of her body was covered by psoriasis, leading her to conceal it with long sleeves even in sweltering summer months. However, she decided to break free from the shackles of psoriasis, becoming a model and an advocate for the psoriasis community.

4. Art Garfunkel: The renowned artist known for his partnership with Paul Simon revealed on his website that he has psoriasis. During a concert tour in Israel, Garfunkel sought relief in the Dead Sea’s saltwater, believed to be therapeutic for the skin.

5. Dara Torres: Swimmer Dara Torres, a 12-time Olympic medalist, was one of the first celebrities to openly announce her battle with psoriasis. Torres discovered symptoms of red, itchy patches on her elbows in the mid-90s. She attributes chlorine in pools and stress as triggers for her psoriasis.

6. Jon Lovitz: Former “Saturday Night Live” actor and comedian Jon Lovitz initially mistook his psoriasis for a rash. His skin flared up intensely, covering nearly half his body with red, scaly patches. Lovitz emphasizes the importance of honest communication with dermatologists and destigmatizing the condition.

7. LeAnn Rimes: This two-time Grammy winner was diagnosed with psoriasis at the tender age of two. By six, it covered 80% of her body, leading to stigmatization as the “scaly girl.” However, through medication and a healthy lifestyle, Rimes achieved clear skin, celebrating the liberation to wear dresses and embrace her vibrant self.

8. Stacy London: As a child, Stacy London’s psoriasis was so severe that she shied away from her own reflection in the mirror. Her self-esteem was heavily affected. Fortunately, London found a “miracle” topical steroid that alleviated her symptoms and enabled her to regain her confidence.

9. John Updike: Novelist John Updike’s lifelong battle with psoriasis played a role in inspiring some of his literary works. He expressed that due to his skin condition, he felt excluded from certain careers that demanded a presentable appearance. Consequently, he embarked on a career as a writer, finding solace in the anonymity it offered.

10. Mabelynn Capelui: Miss California 2013, Mabelynn Capelui, received her psoriasis diagnosis at the age of 16. Despite initial self-consciousness, she learned to live with the condition and gained confidence, aiming to inspire others to do the same.

11. Phil Mickelson: About 30% of individuals with psoriasis go on to develop psoriatic arthritis, a condition affecting the joints. Pro golfer Phil Mickelson is among them, developing painful joint inflammation eight years after his initial psoriasis diagnosis. He manages his symptoms through an individualized treatment program.

12. Eli Roth: Director Eli Roth, known for his horror films like “Cabin Fever” and “Hostel,” also suffers from psoriasis. He once had an outbreak so severe that he couldn’t walk or wear clothes.

13. Jerry Mathers: Known for portraying “Beaver” on “Leave It to Beaver,” Jerry Mathers had psoriasis as a child. Although his case was relatively mild, it made him feel uncomfortable due to the curiosity of others. It’s essential to emphasize that psoriasis is not contagious; it’s caused by specific triggers unique to each individual.

14. Liam Gallagher: The British rock band Oasis’s singer, Liam Gallagher, has experienced psoriasis-related skin issues, leading to bad dandruff. His openness about his condition helps break down stigma and misconceptions surrounding psoriasis.

15. Cara Delevingne: Model and actress Cara Delevingne has discussed her experience with stress-related psoriasis during red carpet appearances. She consciously chose to leave her tattoos and psoriasis exposed at the 2022 Met Gala to show solidarity with others living with the condition.

16. Cyndi Lauper: Pop star Cyndi Lauper has been a vocal advocate for those living with psoriasis. She has collaborated with the National Psoriasis Foundation to raise awareness and share her journey with the condition.

17. Kris Jenner: The matriarch of “Keeping Up With the Kardashians,” Kris Jenner, was diagnosed with psoriasis at the age of 30, just like her daughter Kim Kardashian. Although her symptoms didn’t manifest as severely as Kim’s, she shares the genetic predisposition for psoriasis.

18. La La Anthony: Author, actress, and TV personality La La Anthony lived with undiagnosed psoriasis for almost a decade before identifying the condition. She partnered with the National Psoriasis Foundation to encourage openness and support among those dealing with autoimmune conditions.

19. Katie Lowes: Actress Katie Lowes, known for her role in the series “Scandal,” received her psoriasis diagnosis at the age of 28 during a time of significant life changes. Stress played a substantial role in her condition, and she now manages her symptoms through yoga and a balanced lifestyle.

In Conclusion

These 19 celebrities courageously shared their experiences with psoriasis, demonstrating that fame does not exempt anyone from life’s challenges. Their stories serve as powerful reminders that psoriasis is a condition affecting millions, transcending societal boundaries. Through their openness and advocacy, these celebrities help destigmatize psoriasis, offering hope and inspiration to those who may be struggling with this autoimmune disorder. It’s crucial to remember that you are not alone, and there is support and understanding available as you navigate your own psoriasis journey.