Magen David Adom steps up blood donation drive ahead of protracted conflict

Magen David Adom reports that since the start of the war on October 7, it has collected over 31,000 units of blood from volunteer donors.

However, more blood is needed as Israel prepares for what could be a protracted conflict.“Every unit is precious,” said nurse Milana Mazal Mazor at the blood donation station at Sheba Medical Center near Tel Aviv.

Those interested in giving blood must make an appointment at an MDA blood donation site. Information on the locations and times is updated daily on the MDA website.

Hospitals also have blood banks and are running blood drives. The hospitals also require donors to make appointments.

Check hospital websites for more information.

In general, people aged 18-60 who have not donated blood in the last three months are eligible. Specific information on the criteria for eligibility is available on the MDA website.

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