CDC: Tropical parasite causing skin infections in US

(CNN) – Move over mosquitoes. There’s another blood-sucking biter Americans should guard against.

It’s the sand fly.

Sand flies are tiny tan bugs, about quarter the size of a mosquito, that can cause an infectious disease called leishmaniasis.

They’re most active at night and they’re so tiny, they can slip through ordinary mosquito nets on tents or window screens.

The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says they’ve now detected leishmaniasis in a number of tissue samples from patients who claim they have not traveled outside the United States.

Leishmaniasis can also infect internal organs, including the liver, spleen and bone marrow.

Severe cases can be fatal if left untreated.

Sand flies capable of carrying the parasite that causes the infection can be found in a number of Southern and Southwestern states.

Experts say they’re still learning about the bugs, but they can be repelled by sprays containing DEET.

Anyone should see a doctor if a bug bite doesn’t go away or if they have any new skin sores.

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