Help end the blood supply shortage

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The Red Cross is currently experiencing a national blood shortage, and they need your help. According to the Red Cross, the National Blood Supply has fallen by 25% since August 2023, and currently hospitals are using more blood than Americans are donating. Blood donation is quite simple and there are very few requirements to donate. Anyone 17 years and older can donate blood, and individuals 16 can donate with permission from a legal guardian. Donation of “Whole Blood” is simply donating the exact blood that you have running through your body which includes red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. This type of donation can be used to help save the lives of children and adults that have suffered injuries, blood disorders, or are fighting cancer, along with many other health conditions. The requirements to donate blood include weighing at least 110 pounds, being at least 16 years old, and being in good health. You can be diagnosed with conditions like diabetes and still donate as long as your diabetes is controlled. First you can start by visiting or download their mobile app called “Blood Donor American Red Cross”. In order to find a blood drive near you, you can enter your zip code, and the locations near you will appear. From there you can select a time and book your appointment. The blood donation will only take about 1 hour out of your day, and you are able to donate every 56 days which allows you to donate up to 6 times a year. Not only will you be saving a life by donating blood, but when you donate you can receive gift cards or Red Cross t-shirts to show your friends and family that you support the Red Cross and National Blood Supply Shortage. So, are you going to help end this National Blood Supply Shortage by making an appointment today with the Red Cross to donate blood?

Taylor N. Twohig


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