Tackling the ‘ticking time bomb’ of cardiovascular disease

The NHS Long Term Plan identifies cardiovascular disease (CVD) as a clinical priority and the single biggest opportunity to save lives.

The disease affects seven million people and is a major cause of disability and death. It costs the health system an estimated £7.4 billion and the wider economy £15.8 billion every year, but is largely preventable through early intervention and management.

Now, Inhealthcare, a leading provider of remote patient monitoring, has partnered with FibriCheck, the medically certified detection and monitoring app for heart health, to help the NHS combat cardiovascular disease in the UK.

The new partnership aims to:
• Save lives
• Improve health
• Reduce health inequalities
• Ease pressure on the NHS by reducing demand for services

Pooling expertise to help combat cardiovascular disease

Bringing together our expertise enables us to provide an end-to-end CVD service
for people with atrial fibrillation, high blood pressure and high cholesterol,
from preventative checks to managing CVD to step down care in virtual wards.
By simply placing a finger on a smartphone camera, FibriCheck’s app can be used to
monitor mobile heart rhythm with medical grade accuracy at any time and in any place. It has been used by more than 2,000 clinicians and hospitals in43 countries worldwide.
FibriCheck can be used in conjunction with Inhealthcare’s cardiovascular services such as our blood pressure monitoring service. Patients on our heart failure virtual ward programme can also use FibriCheck as part of their monitoring programme to identify early signs of heart health deterioration.

FibriCheck has demonstrated benefits in the NHS across the UK, including North West, London and the greater London area, where they saw a:

95% reduction
in face-to-face follow-up appointments post-surgery.

48% decrease
in the use of ECGs

93% reduction
in visits of low risk, symptomatic patients.

73.5 hours
of outpatient clinic hours saved

Find out more here

To find out more, visit www.inhealthcare.co.uk or get in touch with us at
[email protected].

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