Critical shortages hit blood banks; donors urgently needed

The Northwest Blood Coalition has sounded an alarm about the dwindling supplies at blood banks, calling attention to the dire need for life-saving blood and blood products.

Following a significant decline in donations during the COVID-19 pandemic, local and regional blood banks are grappling with shortages. Many erstwhile regular donors have reduced the frequency of their donations, exacerbating the problem. In addition to the aftermath of the pandemic, increasing rates of respiratory illnesses, including influenza and the common cold, have deterred potential donors from coming forward.

The shortages are most acute for type O and Rh negative blood, as well as for platelets. The American Red Cross has voiced its concerns, stating that without adequate supplies, blood banks might struggle to support patients during large emergencies or natural disasters. Vital treatments for trauma patients, transplant recipients, and individuals undergoing cancer treatments also heavily rely on these donations.

As we approach the end of October, the American Red Cross is making a plea for donors to come forward, with the aim to replenish stocks ahead of the impending holiday season. While donors of all blood types are encouraged to donate, there’s a pronounced need for type O blood donors and those donating platelets.

Those who donate play an essential role in ensuring that patients receive the lifesaving care they need. To this end, prospective donors can now easily schedule an appointment via the Red Cross Blood Donor App, by visiting, or by calling 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767).

It’s essential for donors to bring a blood donor card or a driver’s license, or two other forms of identification at check-in. Most states allow individuals who are 17 years or older to donate. However, 16-year-olds can also donate with parental consent, depending on the state law. Donors need to weigh at least 110 pounds and be in good health. Additionally, high school students and donors aged 18 or younger must also fulfill specific height and weight criteria.

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