Hospitals experiencing blood shortage

HARRISONBURG, Va. (WHSV) – Hospitals in the Valley are dealing with a shortage of blood donations. Sentara RMH said they typically experience this during Summer and Winter months.

Pathologist with Sentara RMH Dr. Diana Padgett said it does have a nice pool of regular donors in the summer months but people tend to take more vacations this time of year as well as over the holidays.

”There is also a larger consumption of blood products during the summer months due to summer activities. So again you start seeing more accidents and traumas that lead to more usage of blood.” said Padgett.

Dr. Padgett said when they experience a blood shortage they have to look at their elective procedures to determine if it is safe to start that procedure and still have enough blood.

“We always have to have blood on hand for emergency situations like car accidents boating accidents in the summer anything like that maybe deliveries with a lot of blood need so we can’t get ride of all the blood we have in house.” said Dr. Padgett

Dr. Padgett said the two primary things they do when short on blood is to spread out elective procedures to make the most of the blood supply and reach out to sister hospitals to get blood transferred. They will exchange blood with hospitals outside of Sentara as well.

You can make an appointment with the American Red Cross to donate or attend a blood drive, according to Dr. Padgett.

“You can save up to three lives with every whole blood donation that you give.” said Dr. Padgett

Dr. Padgett said you never know who could need the blood. It is everything from mothers, newborn infants to first responders, and grandparents with cancer.

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