Diagnostic Accuracy of a Real-Time Host-Protein Test for Infection

We thank our colleagues for their inputs: Yaly Orr, MD, Michal Stein, MD, Hagai Hamami, MD, Roy Navon, MSc, Amir Nakar, PhD, Efrat Flashner-Abramson, PhD, Naama Sitry, MD, Moran Barak, MD, Tanya M. Gottlieb, PhD, and Eran Eden, PhD. These colleagues are/were employees of MeMed. We thank Daniel Glikman, MD, Renata Yakobov, MD, Sharona Paz, MD, and Yael Shahor, MD, for their adjudication.

Drs Klein and Stein conceptualized and designed the study and drafted the initial manuscript; Drs Shapira, Lipman-Arens, Bamberger, Srugo, and Chistyakov collected data and conducted the initial analyses; and all authors reviewed and revised the manuscript, approved the final manuscript as submitted, and agree to be accountable for all aspects of the work.

Deidentified individual participant data will be made available, in addition to study protocols and the statistical analysis plan. The data will be made available upon publication to researchers who provide a methodologically sound proposal for use in achieving the goals of the approved protocol. Proposals should be submitted to [email protected].

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