Sara Wyant Memorial blood drive held Friday

SHERRARD, Ill. {KWQC} — A Sherrard High School teen’s life tragically ended in 2003. 20 years later, her family is still honoring her with the 19th annual Sara Wyant Memorial Blood Drive.

“When people pass away, especially your kids, the one thing you don’t want to happen is for people to forget them,” said Sara’s Mom, Tracy Wyant.

Sara Wyant died after a car accident in 2003. She was only 16 years old. Just before she died, she got her license and opted to be an organ donor.

“When we had to make that terrible decision, because she was declared brain dead, we decided to go ahead and follow through with her wishes, and donate some of her organs,” said Sara’s Mom, Tracy. “It was just a life changing gift for three individuals.”

Just prior to Sara’s passing, she wrote a persuasive speech about the importance of organ donating. She never got the chance to tell it. 20 years later, Sara’s family continues to carry her name and partner with the American Red Cross and hold the 19th annual Sara Wyant Memorial Blood Drive.

“The blood drive can save so many lives,” added Sara’s Mom, Tracy. “Just by taking 15 or 20 minutes out of your day. It’s a very worthwhile cause.”

“It’s just an unbelievable thing that the students, the staff, the community comes together to make happen,” said Sara’s Brother, Casey Wyant. “And it’s touching for our family and really speaks to just our community in general, and how much we give back and the generosity out there. But just adds a special place in our hearts.”

Each blood drive has brought in over 50 to 100 people each time. According to one of the American Red Cross staff, each pint of blood helps saves up to three lives.

“I just feel like it’s something that should be done,” said Sherrard High School Senior Jackson Knuth. “If you can help out, you should help other people out because you never know who else is going to need the blood. Obviously, if I can donate it and someone else can use it and whoever I can help and feel good about helping them.

If you weren’t able to make it out to Sherrard’s blood drive and you want to help Sara’s mission by helping people, at any American Red Cross, mention Sara’s Memorial Blood Drive and that blood will count towards her total donations.

To learn more about Sara Wyant’s inspirational story, click here.

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