Bedside Table: ‘Blood Sugar’ by Sascha Rothchild

“I’m currently reading ‘Blood Sugar’ by Sascha Rothchild. I adore a complex female protagonist and Ruby Simon, the book’s main character, is endlessly fascinating. You’ll love her, hate her a little bit, love her again, and root for her until the end – even though she’s a serial killer. Rothchild explores themes of guilt and innocence, true friendship, and the oft-debated question: What makes a person ‘good’ or ‘bad’? I have to force myself to take breaks from reading because I don’t want the story to be over (but I also need to know what happens almost as much as I need to breathe).” — EMILY JAMES, Portland

Mainers, please email to tell us about the book on your bedside table. In a paragraph or two, describe the book and be sure to tell us what drew you to it. What makes it a can’t-miss read for the rest of us? As the days grow colder, and the cozy reading season begins, we want to hear what you are reading and why. Send your selection to [email protected], and we may use it as a future Bedside Table.

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