Healio: Q&A: New imaging method enables quick lung infection identification

With the current chest imaging technology, patients with suspected lung infections are unable to receive a specific diagnosis unless they undergo an invasive procedure and wait 2 to 3 days for their results.

In a Q & A with Healio news, Kotagiri explains the research, which is funded by the grant from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.

The collaborators on this project include experts in COPD and lung diseases: Francis McCormack, MD, a pulmonologist, and Michael Borchers, PhD, at the University of Cincinnati.  Changchun Xie, PhD, at the University of Cincinnati is the team’s biostatistician, and Suzanne Lapi, PhD, at the University of Alabama-Birmingham will provide the radiochemistry expertise to optimize contrast agent development.

Read the Healio Q & A 

Read more about Kotagiri and his research in a UC web story.

Featured image at top of Kotagiri by Andrew Higley/UC  Marketing + Brand.

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