Vascular Biology & Therapeutics Program & Cardiovascular Research Center 2023 Retreat

7:30AM Breakfast

8:20AM Welcome & Introduction
Carlos Fernandez-Hernando PhD

8:30AM Keynote
Elena Aikawa MD, PhD
Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School Naoki Miwa Distinguished Chair in Cardiovascular Medicine Section Head, Cardiovascular Life Sciences Co-director, Center for Interdisciplinary Cardiovascular Sciences Director, Heart Valve Translational Research Program Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital

9:15AM Faculty Talks
Moderator: Anne Eichmann PhD
Jean-Leon Thomas PhD
Lauren Biwer PhD
Roland Assi MD, MMS

10:20AM Break

10:40AM Trainee Talks
Moderator: Liana Boraas PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow (Nicoli Lab)
Payel Chatterjee PhD Postdoctoral Fellow (Martin Lab)
Mean Ghim PhD Associate Research Scientist (Sadeghi Lab)
Hanming Zhang PhD Postdoctoral Associate (Fernandez-Hernando Lab)
Diego Saenz de Urturi Indart PhD Postdoctoral Fellow (Suarez Lab)
Emily Meredith PhD Postdoctoral Fellow (Schwartz Lab)
Hangqi Luo PhD Postdoctoral Associate (Qyang Lab)
Yaqing Huang Graduate Student (Kyriakides Lab)
Pengwei Ren PhD Associate Research Scientist (Tellides Lab)

11:25PM Pober Lecture in Vascular Biology
Introduction Themis Kyriakides PhD
Keynote William C. Sessa PhD
Senior Vice President and Chief Scientific Officer, Internal Medicine Research Unit, Pfizer

12:20PM Lunch

1:20PM Faculty Talks
Moderator: Themis Kyriakides PhD
Lawrence Young MD
Michael Simons MD, FACC, FAHA
Andres Hidalgo PhD
Stephania Libreros PhD
Hattie Chung PhD

3:25PM Reception with Posters

4:45PM Prizes & Closing Remarks
Carlos Fernandez-Hernando PhD

If you are a member of the VBT & YCVRC labs, please email [email protected] for late registration.

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