6th annual blood donation challenge underway by Mayo Clinic

ROCHESTER, Minn. – The Mayo Clinic Blood Donor Program is conducting its 6th annual “Pints for Preemies” blood donation challenge.

Throughout each Pints for Preemies campaign the Mayo Clinic Blood Donor Program highlights a local child in need of blood products, or who had received lifesaving blood products at birth.  For 2023, that’s Emma who was born 16-weeks early and spent 92 days in the NICU.

“During her initial month of life, she received several red blood cell transfusions from donors until her tiny body was able to start producing its own. These blood transfusions helped to save her life and ultimately provided her with a miraculous outcome to a very early and difficult start in life. She is now a happy and thriving two-year-old ready to conquer the world,” says Emma’s mother.

Emma’s story is an example of how our local blood donors can make a life-saving impact for a patient in need.

“Young children like Emma are provided fresh (<7 day old) red blood cell units for their transfusion needs at Mayo Clinic because of their small size and young age,” says Blood Donor Program Medical Director Dr. Justin Juskewitch.  “Fresh units for our youngest pediatric patients come from our local donors through the Mayo Clinic Blood Donor Program as those red blood cell units can be issued for transfusion soon after testing and labeling for use.”

The Mayo Clinic Blood Donor Center will be closed on November 23rd and will be open until 2 p.m. on November 24th.  It says this challenge takes place at a crucial time as the Blood Donor Program sees a dip in collections surrounding the holidays.  Blood donors who assist in providing a donation help keep our blood supply at a safe and healthy level throughout the holiday season!

Call 507-284-4475 today to schedule your blood donation appointment.

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