AHA Proposes Redefined CVD Risk Calculation in Cardiovascular Kidney Metabolic Syndrome

A new risk prediction algorithm for future cardiovascular disease events in individuals with cardiovascular kidney metabolic (CKM) syndrome will amend current multivariable predictors (eg, the Pooled Cohort Equation) in important ways, said Chiadi Ndumele, MD, PhD, MHS, in a conversation with Patient Care.

Ndumele is chair of the American Heart Association writing committee for the new statement on prevention and management of CKM syndrome. In this short video, he highlights notable changes to the qualitative approach to estimating long-term CVD risk, which include screening for CKM risk factors across the lifespan and increasing screening frequency as disease progresses; assessing risk for HF as well as ASCVD as outcomes; incorporating social determinants of health into risk prediction; and assessing 30-year risk in addition to 10-year risk. He explains in more detail.

Chiadi Ndumele, MD, PhD, MHS, is associate professor of medicine and director of obesity and cardiometabolic research in the division of cardiology at Johns Hopkins University. His research focuses on the relationship between obesity and cardiovascular disease, and particularly heart failure.

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