Texas vet hospital mourns the loss of Blitz, their lifesaving blood donor dog

Employees at a Texas vet hospital are mourning the death of their beloved pet, Blitz.

They say Blitz was more than just man’s best friend he also saved lives.

Donating blood to give to dogs who needed it.

Employees at Spencer Vet Services in Upshur County say Blitz was a very happy dog. Before he retired a few months ago he might be sitting, dog smile on his face, in the lobby.

He was their mascot, but according to vet services owner Randall Spencer, his job was as a blood donor.

Randall Spencer, owner, Spencer vet services “You get these dogs that come in for whatever reason. There’s multiple reasons that they could be anemic. And or need clotting factors that are in the blood. And so, sometimes those are emergency situations. So, you may need blood right now and you don’t have time to go to a blood bank. There’s not one real close by.”

Kennel tech Jaclyn Taylor says Blitz was a donor for 12 years and he was comfortable with his job.

Jaclyn Taylor, kennel tech “and it’s like he knew. Okay, let’s go to work, blitz and he’d come right out. And he’d come right out here, and he’d sit for us, no sedation, nothing. Even if they put fluids in him, he would sit there and let us do it.”

Randall says he’s had several donor dogs, and they adapt.

Randall Spencer, owner of Spencer vet services “Seems like donor dogs, after they’ve given quite a bit of blood, they tend to keep their blood counts higher, so they’ve got something in reserve.”

He says that helps because they’ll have more red blood cells. And because of Blitz’s blood type, he never had a bad transfusion reaction with other dogs.

Randall Spencer, owner of Spencer vet services “Ninety-nine percent of the transfusions were successful. He saved lives.”

The dogs may not realize that, but the owners do.

Randall Spencer, owner of Spencer Vet Services “He gets more thank you cards than I get because people know where the blood came from.”

Randall says Blitz began suffering from kidney disease and they retired him. In fact, Jaclyn:

Jaclyn Taylor, kennel tech “Took him home and he fit right in with the family. With my other dogs and cats.”

They say Blitz died happy in his sleep.

Randall Spencer, owner of Spencer vet services “He was a good dog.”

It may not be the same without that big old dog rolling around on the floor near reception, but his blood lives on.

Spencer Vet Services is now looking for a new donor dog.

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