Health Minister urges safety measures against infections following floods in the Dominican Republic

Santo Domingo.- Daniel Rivera, the Minister of Public Health, issued a warning about the health risks associated with contaminated water following recent floods. He advised immediate measures to prevent infections, diarrhea, and leptospirosis. The public is urged to avoid contact with dirty water, thoroughly cook food, boil water, and wash hands to prevent illnesses commonly seen after such natural events.

The ministry plans to distribute medicines through the Civil Defense and neighborhood associations to those who have been in contact with contaminated water. Rivera emphasized the importance of community cooperation in boiling water, cooking food, washing hands, and avoiding exposure to contaminated open water, assuring that those who follow these guidelines will receive necessary medications.

Additionally, Rivera highlighted the risk of dengue resurgence post-floods. He stated that while dengue is currently under control, the public should remain vigilant in eliminating mosquito breeding sites to prevent its return. The minister shared these insights while speaking to the press at the National Palace.

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