Lexington teacher shares unexpected journey battling infection in Chicago hospital

LEXINGTON, Ky. (WKYT) – The Presley family is giving thanks for a lot of things this holiday season.

This year feels different, after being in the hospital in Chicago for 16 months, Emily Presley is grateful to be back in Lexington.

Up until May of 2022, 46-year-old Emily Presley was completely healthy. A STEM teacher at Wellington Elementary School, wife to Jeff Presley, and mother to 13-year-old Jackson and 16-year-old Ella. In May 2022, Presley came down with what she thought was a cold. A few days later, she knew something was really wrong.

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They didn’t know how long she’d be in the hospital. Going from Baptist Health, to UK Hospital, then to Northwestern in Chicago, where she underwent a double lung transplant.

Emily Presley was welcomed back home with open arms in October.

RELATED: Lexington teacher finally returns home after spending over a year in Chicago hospital

“It was in my face when we came home. There’s like all of these people outside to welcome me home. I think that made it very real.” Presley said.

After spending 12 months away from their children, home and friends, the community support is what helped them get through these tough times.

Jeff Presley, Emily’s husband, says that friends and family would drive their children to Chicago to come see them. Without their family and friends, they say this wouldn’t have been possible.

They said their medical team at Northwestern were there every step of the way.

“They said that was one of the reasons they were willing to take a chance on you. We knew that you had the support and commitment from those family and friends to get you back home.” Jeff said.

Now, the family is grateful for all the little things in life.

“I think that just the simple things, being with family, as regular a thing as that is, it feels extraordinary this year.” Emily said.

She says she has so much gratitude, and wants to remind others to share their love as much as they can.

“I always said, if I was ever on the news, I would say this. That is to enjoy your people, enjoy life, don’t complain about it, and love on your people because that is the most important thing.” Emily said.

They describe it all as surreal. One year ago, Emily sat in her hospital bed for Thanksgiving, unable to eat. Now, she looks forward to playing games with her family, and eating her mother-in-laws sweet potato casserole.

But the message she shares isn’t just one of resilience. It’s a message of love and gratitude.

“If there’s something in my life that can help someone else live with a better story. That’s what’s important to me, so I want to share my story.”

The Wellington Elementary School teacher hopes to get back in the classroom soon. When it comes to what she’ll do next, she wants to teach, travel, and be with her family.

And whatever life throws the Presley’s way, they know they can handle it.

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