Blood donations needed

Tri-Cities, WA-

With the upcoming Holidays filled with love, celebrations, and gifts, what better gift to give than a blood donation?

During the holiday season, there is a drop in blood donations due to outside factors such as winter weather, holiday celebrations, and seasonal sickness which cause lower appointment numbers.

Although busy schedules during the holidays are no surprise, we are told giving blood is easy and impactful.

“No matter your blood type, if you’re feeling healthy, you’re feeling well, and if you have a few minutes, it’s such a great way to give back in a time of year that we’re thinking about giving gifts and we’re thinking about giving back in our community, and just one blood donation can help save up to three lives. And so what an incredible impact to make in just 30 minutes to an hour of your time,” said Abby Walker, Communications Manager for The American Red Cross Northwest Region.

To find out about upcoming blood drives in your area, click here.

To learn about eligibility requirements to donate blood, click here.

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