WATCH: Arizona’s top blood donor give thanks for the ability to save lives

PHOENIX — Ninety-Six Gallons.

What can hold that much of anything?

When we asked Grant of Paradise Valley High School, he said ”I think of a bathtub.”

And Cocopah Middle School’s Kate, said ”a pool!”

Well, they’re not wrong.

Grant and Kate are grandkids who realize their grandfather, James Van Dyne, has donated 96 gallons of blood from his two arms over his lifetime.

Van Dyne remembers the ah-ha moment during his first donation in Arizona back in 1985, that changed his life saying “Hey… I can maybe help more people,” he said.

With 768 total donations with Vitalant, Van Dyne has donated more than anyone other blood donor with Vitalant in Arizona. There are more than 85 thousand donors.

Many times, it’s platelets. The blood drawn for those battling cancer or a chronic illness.

”Helping somewhat to get some platelets on the shelf,” he said.

The blood donor group he gives with measures, just James alone, has saved the lives of more than 1,500 people.

“You wouldn’t believe the honors over the years,” said Sue Thew with Vitalant.

James has been honored at Diamondbacks games, Sept. 8, 2016 is recognized by the the city of Phoenix as James Van Dyne Day. He was even honored by then Governor Ducey for what he’s given over the years.

His biggest honor was his 600th – a promise he made to his late wife, Mary Lou, who passed away after her own battle with cancer. That donation was over ten years ago.

Today, he’s thankful to be surrounded by family and there’s hundreds more in Arizona who don’t know him but are thankful for all those hours he’s spent with his underarm to the ceiling.

We asked what he thinks Mary Lou would say about all he’s given over the years.

“Keep striving to 800 and beyond,” he said

If you think one person can’t make a difference…

Think about James, then think again.

If you’re interested in donating like James does, or just giving blood, Vitalant serves nearly all of the blood needs in Arizona.

Watch Van Dyne talk about his donation history and what he’s thankful for in the player above.

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