Move of the Month: Side lunge with knee lift

The described exercise targets both the inner and outer thigh muscles while enhancing balance. Additionally, it encourages lateral movement, a departure from the more conventional forward-and-backward motions.

Starting Position:

1. Stand upright with your feet together, and let your arms rest at your sides.


1. Step widely to the side with your left foot, keeping your right foot in its initial position.

2. As your left foot makes contact with the ground, shift the majority of your weight to your left leg.

3. Hinge forward at your hips and bend your left knee, descending into a lunge. Simultaneously, keep your right leg straight, and place your hands on your left thigh for support.

4. Push off with your left foot to return to an upright position, transferring your weight to your right foot.

5. Lift your left knee to hip level, maintaining balance.

6. After achieving balance, step out with your left leg again, initiating another lunge.

7. Continue this sequence for 30 seconds.

8. Repeat the entire sequence, stepping out to the right for the next 30 seconds.

This exercise promotes strength and flexibility in the inner and outer thigh muscles while improving overall balance. Performing it in a controlled and deliberate manner is essential for maximizing its effectiveness.

Here are some additional tips and techniques to ensure proper form and maximize the effectiveness of the described exercise:

1. Maintain a Neutral Spine:

  • Keep your spine in a neutral position, avoiding excessive arching or rounding. This ensures proper alignment and reduces the risk of strain on your back.

2. Shoulders Down and Back:

  • Keep your shoulders relaxed, down, and pulled back. This helps maintain good posture and prevents unnecessary tension in the neck and shoulders.

3. Engage Abdominal Muscles:

  • Tighten your abdominal muscles throughout the entire exercise. This provides core stability and supports your spine.

4. Mindful Knee Placement:

  • Pay attention to the position of the knee on the lunging leg. Avoid letting it extend farther forward than your toes to prevent unnecessary stress on the knee joint. This also helps engage the muscles properly.

Remember, proper form is crucial for preventing injuries and ensuring that you target the intended muscle groups. If you experience any discomfort or pain during the exercise, consider consulting with a fitness professional or healthcare provider for personalized guidance.