WHF New Policy Brief Calls for Stricter Regulation of Nicotine and Tobacco Products to Combat Cardiovascular Disease

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Dr. Rajesh Rajan, Indian cardiologist at Al Amiri Hospital Kuwait and Chairman of the Indian Association of Clinical Cardiologists

Kuwait City, Nov 25: The World Heart Federation (WHF) is pleased to announce the launch of a new Policy Brief that highlights the connection between nicotine and cardiovascular disease. Dr. Rajesh Rajan, a respected Indian cardiologist at Al Amiri Hospital Kuwait and Chairman of the Indian Association of Clinical Cardiologists, has emphasized the need for stricter regulations on nicotine and tobacco products in a recent interview. The interview follows the release of an important Policy Brief by the World Heart Federation, titled “Nicotine and Cardiovascular Health: When Poison is Addictive.”

The Policy Brief sheds light on the link between nicotine and cardiovascular disease, aiming to raise awareness about the harmful effects of nicotine and call for stronger regulations on tobacco and nicotine products. Currently, tobacco products are responsible for a staggering eight million deaths per year, with cardiovascular disease accounting for one in six of these fatalities.

Contrary to popular belief, nicotine is highly addictive, comparable to drugs like heroin or cocaine. Dr. Rajan explains that many individuals who use tobacco products would not do so if nicotine were not present. He emphasizes that nicotine can cause damage to various organs, including the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

The WHF Policy Brief consolidates existing evidence on the detrimental health effects of nicotine, dispels common misconceptions, and provides recommendations for individuals and policymakers to mitigate the harmful impact of tobacco and nicotine products on a global scale.

In the interview, Dr. Rajan highlights the urgent need for action to address the global burden of cardiovascular disease caused by tobacco use. He argues that stricter regulations on tobacco and nicotine products are crucial to reduce accessibility and prevent initiation among vulnerable populations, particularly the youth. Additionally, raising public awareness about the dangers of nicotine and providing support for smoking cessation are vital steps in combating the global tobacco epidemic.

Dr. Rajan’s expertise and dedication to improving cardiovascular health have made him a prominent figure in the field of cardiology. He currently serves as the Chairman of the Indian Association of Clinical Cardiologists and has been instrumental in overseeing various clinical research registries focused on heart failure. Dr. Rajan is also affiliated with renowned cardiac care institutions like Sabah Al Ahmad Cardiac Center, Al Amiri Hospital Kuwait, and holds positions in multiple medical associations.

The combined efforts of organizations like the WHF and professionals like Dr. Rajan are crucial in raising awareness about the dangers of nicotine, advocating for stricter regulations, and ultimately combating the global burden of cardiovascular disease caused by tobacco use.

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