Int’l senimar held in Laos on treatment of cardiovascular diseases

VIENTIANE, Nov. 28 (Xinhua) — Medical professionals from around the world met in the Lao capital of Vientiane to discuss cardiovascular diseases, aiming to driving advances in medical frontiers and promote international cooperation, local media reported.

The inaugural Vientiane International Cardiovascular Disease Academic Exchange Conference, held in Vientiane on Saturday, was organized by the Lao Ministry of Health and co-hosted by the 103 Hospital of the Lao People’s Army, the ninth batch of Chinese People’s Liberation Army Medical Aid Team to Laos and the Alliance company, according to a report of the Laopattana newspaper on Tuesday.

The seminar attracted researchers and industry elites from China, Vietnam, Laos, Thailand and Canada. Over 200 participants, including cardiovascular specialists from more than 10 hospitals in Laos, engaged in discussions on the latest research findings, innovative technologies, and treatment methods in the field of cardiovascular diseases.

Lao Deputy Minister of Health Sanong Thongsana said at the event that cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death from chronic disease in Laos and are a significant burden on the Southeast Asian country’s economy and society.

The conference was seen as a milestone in cardiovascular development in Laos and is expected to propel the advancement of cardiovascular medicine and provide more effective management solutions for cardiovascular patients.

It provided a broad and in-depth academic exchange platform covering various aspects of cardiovascular diseases. Keynote speeches addressed multiple fields, including coronary heart diseases, arrhythmia, hypertension, and peripheral vascular diseases.

Internationally renowned experts shared their research results and prospects for future developments. The participants also emphasized the importance of international cooperation in the field of cardiovascular diseases.

The conference is expected to continue to be a crucial academic exchange platform, driving advances in medical frontiers and promoting international cooperation, according to the report.

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