Cincinnati Four-Year-Old Blood Recipient Celebrates Life Milestone With Annual Blood Drive

Brynn Schulte has blood donors to thank as she celebrated turning four years old with her annual birthday blood drive. Brynn and her mother Lindsay Schulte recently visited the Hoxworth Blood Center in Blue Ash to thank donors for their selflessness.

Brynn was diagnosed with Factor XIII shortly after she was born in 2019. Factor XIII deficiency is an extremely rare blood disorder characterized by abnormal blood clotting that may result in abnormal bleeding. Brynn had to be rushed to Cincinnati Children’s one day after she was born and through many tests and examinations, and unfortunately more ER visits, Brynn was diagnosed with factor XIII deficiency. She now lives a happy, healthy life with her two older brothers. She loves dancing, singing, and Minnie Mouse! She was most excited about turning 4.

Hoxworth Blood Center is currently experiencing low donor turnout resulting in dangerously low blood inventory levels. Blood is not an infinite resource and donors are critically needed to ensure patients like Brynn have the products they need for everyday treatment and unexpected accidents. To learn how to give, visit


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