Mobile transfusions: Birmingham Fire now using whole blood in ambulances

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (WBRC) – Birmingham Fire and Rescue is now carrying whole blood, making them the first in the state and third in the country to perform blood transfusions in the field. They say it’s a life-saving game-changer for first responders.

Whole blood is the same that flows through our bodies. It’s used to treat people who need large amounts of blood. It’s like mobile transfusions on the scene of shootings, car accidents, and other emergencies.

Birmingham Fire’s Medical Director, Dr. Will Ferguson, says the goal is to replace the blood volume lost to ensure people don’t die. First responders say the city deals with traumatic situations daily. Now, with whole blood, they can save more lives and stabilize victims until they arrive at the hospital.

Dr. Ferguson says this is just one advancement BFRS makes regarding emergency response.

“This relationship is going to allow Birmingham fire to bring more care into the cities. Medicines that we can do,” says Dr. Ferguson. “We started carrying a cyanokit, and that can be used for people who have inhalation from house fires. That is a life-saving medication, and now we have the blood products. We’re moving on to new and bigger things as well. The goal is to take emergency medicine care into the street to the citizens before they even get to the hospital to keep them alive to us.”

According to the Red Cross, whole blood can also be separated into its specific components of: red cells, plasma, and platelets. These components can be given to different patients, which is why we say that a donation of one unit or pint of whole blood can help multiple people.

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