Author Archives: yun

It’s 2023 and They’ve Only Just Tested Period Products with Actual Blood

You may think that the first test regarding how well period products absorb blood was maybe 30 to 40 years ago, and you know, that seems really reasonable. But it wasn’t—it was only a couple of weeks ago. Until Dr. Bethany Samuelson Bannow and her colleagues at Oregon Health and Science University in Portland decided […]

One in five men worldwide infected with potentially cancerous HPV, says study

One in five men worldwide are infected with a potentially cancerous form of HPV, researchers have found. According to an analysis published in the Lancet Global Health journal, 21 per cent of men aged 15 and over are infected with at least one of the high-risk, potentially cancerous forms of HPV, or human papillomavirus – […]

Why has it taken this long for period products to be tested using actual blood?

Fun fact: approximately 800 million people worldwide are currently on their period. And, on average, we spend a total of seven years menstruating, so we’re all too familiar with the sight of menstrual blood. It’s a shame the same can’t be said for the manufacturers of period items who – per a new study – […]

How Bad Is a Second (or Third or Fourth) Case of Covid?

Reinfections are becoming more common. Experts are still unsure about how damaging they can be. Doctors and scientists who study Covid-19 agree that for most people, getting infected for a second — or third or fourth — time is basically inevitable. The longer the virus sticks around, the more common repeat infections have and will […]

COVID-19 infections continue rising in Georgia: Hospitalizations up 30%

For the third week in a row, Georgia hospitals have reported a rise in COVID-19 numbers — a 30% jump for hospitalizations in the week ending August 5, the latest data available. The overall numbers of known infections and hospitalizations remain low, and COVID deaths, which have tended to average about one or two a […]

Chemicals in plastics: A risk factor for cardiovascular disease?

The pervasive use of plastics in daily life has raised concerns about the potential health effects of exposure to plastic-derived chemicals. Recent research has hinted at a possible connection between such chemicals and an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. The study explores the relationship between exposure to plastic chemicals and the predisposition to cardiovascular diseases […]

Study suggests antibodies triggered by COVID-19 mRNA vaccination may depend on prior infection history

In a recent article published in Scientific Reports, researchers evaluated distinct immune responses to messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) and vector-based coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccines, and natural severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infections.  Study: Class switch towards spike protein-specific IgG4 antibodies after SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination depends on prior infection history. Image Credit: Viacheslav […]

Blood Protein Might Explain Why Exercise Keeps Our Brains Young

Step forward platelet factor 4 (PF4): this substance in the blood has been linked to the mental boost we get from exercise, the benefits of blood transfusions, and a protein associated with longevity, in three separate studies. All three processes promote cognitive enhancement, meaning PF4 is something of a superpowered blood factor. The research was […]